Friday, August 15, 2014

Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, cognitive fun of teaching resources on the intention t

Life Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education Learning Network gender equality in education WWW multimedia resource center of Taipei http : // Ann Free Education Website - University of Shen Ling teacher education core to handle high schools and kindergarten teacher in-service training courses planned review of credit points off amend provisions Action Research - Chiayi County, Miaoli County elementary school Zou Hongyu overnight environmental education teacher in the field of vision - Research related factors Menu elementary school teacher education will - Factors teachers teaching resource network usage behavior of elementary school in Kaohsiung County Xing Guo Minghua teacher influence investigate cosmopolitan restaurant 田国民Fanlu Wupei Shan Elementary School teacher my IT education and sustainable innovation management experience Retrospect and Prospect - Chiayi City 崇文国 small Xiao Ying Li teacher from "the possibility of education" concept of "self-education at home," the implementation of the Study - Kaohsiung Victory Elementary School王宏彰 cosmopolitan restaurant the country Xiao Zhao Wei Tze Ching Interview: Private Cheng Shiu University Center for Teacher Education Professor Zhou Ganfeng off menu (three) online learning perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and cognitive interesting for teachers of information literacy, cosmopolitan restaurant open personality traits , willingness to share knowledge between teaching resource network usage behavior has a mediating effect section.
After nine years of consistent curriculum implementation, in order to integrate into the way IT courses in various fields of teaching, in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching, network cosmopolitan restaurant resources are indispensable weapon. Many studies have pointed out that teachers use Internet mostly to find teaching resources. In addition to using a search engine, the teachers are the most common use of teaching cosmopolitan restaurant resources website for lesson plans, cosmopolitan restaurant teaching materials and other teaching resources [9]. Teaching resource site is a consolidation, sharing of teaching resources that are built for the purpose of the website, cosmopolitan restaurant via the transmission and reception network, continuous accumulation, distribution, sharing, exchange, cosmopolitan restaurant innovation and use at any time to provide the teachers needed for Teaching Excellence various teaching support services. Teaching resource site, but also because of a multimedia presentation, easy to use, easy to retrieve, far-reaching and other features, has gradually become teachers teaching the subject can not be ignored information sources [21].
Currently, most related research and teaching resource site focused on sites most needs, planning and management, satisfaction, evaluation, there is little research to explore the use of behavioral teaching resources net. Past scholars to explore the behavior of the user acceptance of new technology, mostly academics Davis [31] of the technology acceptance model or Moon & Kim [33] cognitive cosmopolitan restaurant interesting theoretical basis of viewpoint. cosmopolitan restaurant In TAM architecture, the reference to "perceived usefulness" and "perceived ease of use," both of which may constitute some external variables cosmopolitan restaurant have an impact on behavior, directly cosmopolitan restaurant or indirectly. Researchers can select the appropriate external variables to be explored for their own research cosmopolitan restaurant purposes.
Tsang Kwok-hung, etc. [23] proposed "use of information technology" were one viable strategy for knowledge sharing elementary school teachers; but "lack of information literacy" has become a factor disorders. Li Xiaoling [3] The results showed cosmopolitan restaurant that: Penghu County elementary school teachers to use information technology into a high willingness to teaching, but in itself is not enough so the actual use of information cosmopolitan restaurant literacy situation needs to be strengthened. Huang Qi, Xuya Ting [21] collected 63 R & D team as an empirical object and hierarchical cosmopolitan restaurant regression analysis showed that personality does affect the individual's willingness cosmopolitan restaurant to share knowledge, experience team also has a positive cosmopolitan restaurant impact on the openness of team knowledge sharing behavior. Another study, Peng every instrument [20] found that: In the five personality traits in affinity, openness, extraversion and knowledge sharing willingness various dimensions, with the high degree of correlation. Chen Meihua [14] When knowledge sharing between closely related persons with knowledge of the recipient, knowledge sharing by the recipient for the sharing of knowledge to the knowledge about it, and willing to hold a positive attitude, the willingness to share their knowledge will deepen further enhance the effectiveness of knowledge sharing behavior.
Teaching resources website are at home and abroad, regardless of the stage of vigorous development, such as the "Global Art Resource Network," "AskERIC", "learning stations", "nine-year cosmopolitan restaurant easygo teaching resource site", "思摩特 net", cosmopolitan restaurant " Master School ", etc., the purpose of it is to set up the integration and sharing teaching discipline and teaching resources. According to the primary objective of the Ministry of Education established in 86 years' IT education software and teaching resource center "that" Network provides teaching resources, "by sharing educational resources, shorten the gap between urban and rural education, and information technology into various disciplines, making teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching media pluralism, so that teachers across the country can be made of the various teaching resources that are built through the Academic Resource Center network (TAnet), to improve the teaching quality, and enhance the effectiveness of student learning cosmopolitan restaurant [twenty two].
Xu Dehui [17] that: teaching resource site is using the Internet's resources and capabilities to provide the resources and activities to promote the teaching and learning of global information website. Shih wood [12] pointed out that the teaching media integration in a computer network system, and the practical application in the teaching, learning, etc., can be called "teaching resource network." Therefore, scholars Huang Jingyi [22] The teaching resource site is defined as: "to integrate and share teaching resources that are built for the purpose of the website, via the transmission and reception network, continuous accumulation, distribution, sharing, exchange, innovation cosmopolitan restaurant and the use of , at any time required to provide excellent teachers teaching the teaching support services. "This study used this definition.
After induction via the literature, the researchers infer different personal characteristics (including information literacy, open personality, knowledge sharing cosmopolitan restaurant willingness) of elementary school teachers, cosmopolitan restaurant on the perceived usefulness, perceived cosmopolitan restaurant ease of use and cognitive interesting properties have a significant impact.
Subsequent scholars Moon and Kim (2001) [33] and proposed amendments to the technology acceptance model of cognitive interesting point of view to use them to explain and predict users' behavior. In the empirical study is interesting that the impact of science and technology acceptance Internet use of cognitive, cognitive interesting will be the three dimensions of: degree of dedication, curiosity, pleasure to influence the user intent, so make cognitive interesting sex will directly affect the willingness to use exposition. Igbaria, Parasuraman and Baroudi [34] The study also found that the use of the system will be cognitive interesting (fun) affected. Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw [31] with pleasure (enjoyment) single concept to measure cognitive pleasure perceived ease of use will affect the user intentions intermediary results.
This study has been discussed in the second chapter for each variable correlation between literature, the following cosmopolitan restaurant hypotheses to be verified.
Overall, participation in the study subjects in the "sex", the small number of male ratio, accounting for 30.8%, while women accounted for 69.2% relatively large number, the proportion of about 40% higher than men; at the "age ", mainly between 30-49 years old, with a maximum of 30-39 years of age, accounting for 50 percent of all ages, the second one is 40-49 years old (24.3%) and 20-29 years (22.8% ); at the "highest level of education" aspect to Normal or Normal accounting for up to 33.7%, followed by 30.5% for the general university, teacher, or 22.5% Teachers Institute (including cosmopolitan restaurant 40 credits classes) 13.3%; at the "years of service "aspect to 6-10 years accounted for up to 37.6%, followed by five years 24.0%, 11-15 years 19.5%, cosmopolitan restaurant more than 21 years accounted for a relatively small 6.2%; at the" current position ", the homeroom teacher with the most , accounting for 57.4%, followed by teachers and administrative staff (33.7%), subject teachers cosmopolitan restaurant at least (8.9%); at the "school size" aspect to 25-48 classes most, accounting for 43.5%, followed by 13-24 classes (38.8% ), 12 classes (17.8%).
Information literacy represents the "knowledge cosmopolitan restaurant and skills with information and proper operation of IT hardware and software and used for work or daily life, and the information can be effectively collect, organize, evaluation and use of information capabilities." This Scale mainly "basic IT literacy teachers short-term indicators," the Ministry of Education (1999) published [19] "Application Networking teaching basic literacy subjects' information literacy indicators. Measure subject to five questions of application network teaching information literacy, the questionnaire using Likert five scale to measure the results obtained internal consistency reliability Cronbach, s α is 0.8562, reliability is still called ideal.
Represents the willingness to use "user in the future the possibility of Miaoli County continued use of teaching resources network." Primary reference Wei Bimei this scale [29] The questionnaire will be revised to measure the subjects three questions of intention to use the questionnaire using Likert five scale to measure the results obtained internal consistency reliability Cronbach, s α is 0.8736, reliability cosmopolitan restaurant is still called ideal.
Table 2 above factors analysis cosmopolitan restaurant showed quite clearly three factors, statistics and display three factors explain a total amount of 59.445% of the variation in the factors one contains the first 12-19 questions, feature value is 4.296, explained variance of 23.868%, topic of this factor belong researcher revised cosmopolitan restaurant "knowledge sharing willingness" to measure the questions of Scale; factor II contains the first 1-5 questions, eigenvalues 3.246, explained variance was 18.033%, subject to this factor belong research those amendments "Information Literacy" cosmopolitan restaurant Scale to measure topic items. Three factors including the first 6-11 title (other than section 10 questions), eigenvalues 3.158, explained variance of 17.544%, the topic of this factor belong to the researchers revised "open personality" Scale to measure the problem items. Each scale of the questionnaire but also by reference to someone else's scale factor analysis first, remove the load factor <0.5 (open personality traits fifth questions), and finally re-run after a hormone analysis, the whole point questionnaire shown to have convergent validity.
Table 3 above factors analysis showed quite clearly three factors, statistics and display three factors explain a total amount of 73.955% of the variation in the factors one contains the first 9-14 questions, eigenvalues 4.035, explained variance of 28.821%, topic of this factor belong questions of investigators revised measure "cognitive interesting sex" Scale; factor II contains the first 5-8 questions, eigenvalues 3.195, explained variance cosmopolitan restaurant was 22.820%, subject to this factor belong research those amendments "perceived ease of use" Scale to measure the problem items. Three factors including the first 1-4 questions, eigenvalues 3.124, explained variance of 22.313%, the topic of this factor belong to the researchers revised "perceived usefulness" Scale to measure the problem items.
In this study (χ2 / df), GFI, AGFI, CFI, NFI, IFI, RMR, and RMSEA other commonly used indicators to detect patterns with moderate overall, studies were analyzed using AMOS statistical software, with model test results are moderately Table 3, it can be seen from the table, in addition to the chi-square value ratio (3.054> 3, but very close to the ideal standard numerical value), all the goodness of fit indices were within the acceptable range, cosmopolitan restaurant which shows the degree of adaptation model Cloudy. Namely measure represents the majority of the institute can choose a reliable cosmopolitan restaurant and effective measure cosmopolitan restaurant dimensions they represent.
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, cognitive fun of teaching resources on the intention to use the network have significant positive effects of cognitive interesting greatest impact (β = 0. 528, p <0.001), followed by the perceived usefulness of influence (β = 0. 255, p <0.001) perceived ease the impact of the weakest (β = 0. 090, p <0.001). But the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness but also through cosmopolitan restaurant cognitive interesting use of the indirect effects of the user's wishes, making the cognitive effects from the total resistance of the greatest interesting (β = 0. 651, p <0.001), followed by perceived ease of use of influence (β = 0. 387, p <0.001), the impact of perceived usefulness weakest (β = 0.255, p <0.001). Seen in this light the importance of perceived ease of use is still not be underestimated. This Weibi Mei [29] The same findings.
This study can be drawn through the empirical analysis, "teachers' personal traits, cognitive beliefs and teaching resource network usage behavior cosmopolitan restaurant causal model" as shown in Figure 5-1. In this study, namely, managerial implications Miaoli County Elementary teachers tell the whole teachers' personal traits, cognitive beliefs and teaching resource network usage behavior causal model, which have been used in Miaoli County teachers teaching resource network for empirical research sample group, can be drawn Teachers' personal characteristics (information literacy, openness personality traits and knowledge sharing willingness) may, by and cognitive beliefs (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and cognitive interesting sex) interconnected between the three variables influence and role, so Teachers' personal characteristics (information literacy, openness personality traits and knowledge sharing willingness) through cognitive beliefs cosmopolitan restaurant (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and cognitive interesting properties) directly and indirectly affect the use of the will in turn affect the actual usage behavior, and therefore cognitive beliefs (cognitive usefulness, perceived ease of use and cognitive interesting nature) becomes important and a key factor in the agency.
In addition the study also found that cognitive beliefs on the use of a direct impact on willingness to cognitive interesting of the most influential (β = 0. 528, p <0.001), followed by the impact of perceived usefulness (β = 0. 255, p < 0.001) perceived ease the impact of the weakest (β = 0. 090, p <0.001). But the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness but also through cognitive interesting use of the indirect effects of the user's wishes, making the cognitive effects from the total resistance of the greatest interesting (β = 0. 651, p <0.001), followed by perceived ease of use of influence (β = 0. 387p <0.001), the impact of perceived usefulness weakest (β = 0. 255, p <0.001). Seen in this light the importance of perceived ease of use is still not be underestimated. This Weibi Mei [29] The same findings.
3 online cognitive learning fun for teachers of information literacy, open personality teaching resource network usage behavior mediator.
Learned from this study, a small country on the actual behavior of teachers teaching resources will be affected by the use of net willingness; wishes would be useful to use the perception of ease of use and fun of influence. Caixiao Hao (2005) research indicates that the portal site operators can by improving service quality, enhance user awareness and perceived usefulness of interesting properties, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and

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