Saturday, May 31, 2014

Leave a reply Post navigation Aurela: I love shoes but will arrest travelling in style me for ill

Related 'drunken' Wind Istrefi, not about intoxication from alcohol, but the so called new song singer, Istrefi wind will soon bring. "The Drunk" is the new Wind project, which will come with video. Music is performed by Mixey, while video was worked travelling in style out Entermedia. The clip is expected to be launched within travelling in style a few ditësh./10minuta /. For more May 14, 2014
Leave a reply Post navigation Aurela: I love shoes but will arrest travelling in style me for illegal possession of firearms, these are shoes that enjoyed extravagant travelling in style singer, Aurela Gace. The singer is known for style and performance separate 'crazy'. Aurela social travelling in style network Instagram has posted this picture of these shoes very 'strange' with the inscription "Auuuuuuuuuuuu. One never very beautiful but buy it with arrest travelling in style for possessing travelling in style arms then. " travelling in style Otherwise, the singer has a busy agenda with numerous evenings, which are filled with many fans having këngëtarja./10minuta /. Http:// for more Jennifer Lopez: "I miss the bread" Jennifer Lopez said "enough" meat and its byproducts! To be in shape, it is believed vegan diet, eliminating her from feeding all products of animal origin.
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Friday, May 30, 2014

Our second day in the

Amsterdam-Brussels-Paris, the city of tulips to the glow of lights and love. How to arrange a holiday tour | English News Agency Amsterdam-Brussels-Paris, the city of tulips babestation models to the glow of lights and love. How to arrange a holiday tour
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Winter or spring in this city talk about tulips. While compete for their magic, the festival of lights had taken place in the Dutch capital babestation models this winter already sitting cross-legged. Therefore time does not matter when you visit, there will always find interesting things and youthful vibrancy that fades not in any moment of the year. And do not forget bicycles; in every corner of it you will find many of them. Amsterdam could well visit and of course a bike map.
Our European tour started exactly from Amsterdam, a suggestion from Sarako Travel tourist agency, which not only offered us the best choice for hotel, but also the most competitive prices. Convenience offered us the location of the hotel in Rembrandtplein or Rembrandt Square, certainly used the newly arrived. Thus, our journey started from Rembrandt Square, famous not only for tourist attractions, but also for its vibrant entertainment premises, clubs and pubs around him. Although little rain, it did not bother us; reflection of lights on the pavement of the plaza laguar made more magical.
In Rembrandtplein, which is named after the famous Dutch painter, Rembrandt, everything bears the stamp of the century. XVII; buildings around it, or the tulips and supermarket nearby streets where developed and fairs, or entertainment event. It seems that everything here has frozen since then ... and the statue of Rembrandt in the center babestation models of the square 'monitors' every move on.
Drifting with curiosity about him, was faced with a diamond babestation models factory. Amsterdam has many such, some of which offer tours. We stopped for a visit during our so at Gassan Diamond; a wonderful experience not to be missed in Amsterdam ..
On our first day was traipse around the square to invite to his youthful buzz. While visiting the square and the most interesting buildings, Munttoren, Tuschinski theater, dinner was at one of the traditional restaurants abound here. Enjoy traditional food certainly gave an added value our visit to Amsterdam.
Our second day in the "Venice of the North" launched by channels that are not only attractive, but the best way to explore the city. Our hotel, Hampshire, exit possibility us directly at one of the jugs

But to be honest, still feel embarrassed and worry. Good for the role of Thatcher in an Albanian fi

Grida S (HK) uma! | Newspaper francois halard theme
I bow with veneration Iron Lady. Not only made history, but knew how to give anglosaksonizmit rightful place in modern history. There are already dead, but if you go somewhere even more lost qoshkën UK, he will feel its hajrin radical reforms in quality of services or quality of life. Cold War he raised the temperature above zero, it melted the ice and with Reagan ndolli East to West freedoms. European Social laziness pointed deserved grade, having remained in the classroom, forced to prepare better in exams autumn.
Never came to Albania, but our Berisha or Rugova (them) Kosovo increased their bonuses and credits in international diplomacy Albanianism modestly unfolding as potent phenomenon not only in geopolitics Peninsula.
Materially not have been worse with women models full of muscles, tattoos with names of men or armpits with fur. Chris Paul Vata which distracted by the noise of the train and foot slips, Lenka Çuko who cried farm cows in Lushnje though inadvertently spilled milk from buckets, Feti Kasa why doping had taken 1 hour before you eat sufllaqen, though terrified Topalli husband at home that confused with opposition MPs ...
This place, called feminine, with three seasons are feminine, with the largest number of women than men population, nature is so beautiful as feminine beauty itself, with women who were raped, humiliated after prostitucionalisht eventually lured to take their tutors francois halard for women, where everything revolves around women and men just make noise ranks, where men grow old and kokallat after the command can not pray to God to die before women ...
Only in politics has somehow option. Lul between Basha, Aldo Arben Gridës Ristani or need someone to have theçerojë totaling more powerful of the opposition today or tomorrow governance. I m'Tiron I returned again and will definitely start talking with dialect from here.
But to be honest, still feel embarrassed and worry. Good for the role of Thatcher in an Albanian film actress Rajmonda Bulku I found, but no real character persuade francois halard me. Euridicionit want to add your uniqueness, tolerance, foresight francois halard and respect.
You Bledi Griden shan, but you're worse than my boy. The lack of communication culture, art degenerate publicist. Ngatrron francois halard media with taverns where naked chats with your friends. You begins with Thatcher nice but then we have lost vularitet joking with women, Yes you are for yourself as a rooster without tail O Bledo, I will do better with salt writings render unto you. This one is corny at all
O bled if we have a question reads - as Rama pays for the use of the image? Money, goods or kind??
This is a writing that has all the inside story from the short, the allegory, sarcasm, politics whatever you like them. It is a writing that resembles a rose, which rose this depends on how one would enjoy. There are people who get caught where no thorns and the sweet smell of the wind and enjoy having, others francois halard had when they pick you poked fingers and immediately reject.
Art very tired doing text analysis. Too literary what it is. This is disgusting, disgusting, unethical. With marvel theme, so whether the traffic light has vulgar tastes? Who cares about your image Too Complete / incompetent. Go to traffic light and take a literature makes it as many times better than this, and it improves the particular audience that likes this kind of "literary"
Arusha - April 17, 2014 at 7:15 pm
JNB If this article is Trendalif ather Bled to be sure that you have nose or Taken (ie in this case, regard the brain), or you lose the sense of smell, or the smell of pink .... ngatrron with that of faeces . It was with shqetsoj me is how a modern boy laughs as paturpsisht with women, Chris Paul starts with a 16-year-old wadding that died in shares Bledi Rinise.Tallet with women who tried to use his body as a female ee during their stay in England, has itself accepted and made the best of his shroud has completed everything. The problem is that he's using newspapers Subject to vent his thoughts francois halard somewhat Halabak somewhat vulgar, but I must admit that he has often beautiful writings and has shown that there is talent. But talent is as Hana Bled, with the difference that when he writes nose full of drool. Lexonja writing and again and tell me what has wanted to thane.E begins with Thatcher and then assigns to the role of Thatcher Monda Bulkut that it plays as if it is and how Kadare Bledi screenwriter for Monden. Un Griden not know at all, but this is something to this woman he chooses the moment francois halard and let the proper time to put in play this politician DP, but without insulting or

Thursday, May 29, 2014

This work room is filled with books of all my spiritual treasure. In the house where I was born my

Qilleri Mihallaq writer is one of the most prominent figures of the Albanian literary talent, with a tremendous impact on his generation. His written works continue to inspire and influence generations to come. Novels, stories, plays and poetry writer Qilleri are vivid portrayal of social life and life experiences of the time we live. They have played and play a progressive role in reforming the Albanian society. He is known as a novelist and short story master and complete. His novels and stories are known for sensitive portrayal international women s day fun run of the inner feelings of the characters, which he represents international women s day fun run in them. Qilleri author describes sympathetically realistic portraits with life, with the benefits of their shortcomings, problems and challenges, among the daily human beauty. The main features of shkrimtarisë Qillerit interesting international women s day fun run use of language is simple, warm and impressive. In this interview, writer Mihallaq Qilleri recounts moments of his life and literary creativity and artistic dimensional drama, poetry and journalism. But who is the writer international women s day fun run and publicist Mihallaq Qilleri, besides inxhinjierit profession, he became a writer with strong affinity citizenship, intellectual and creative. international women s day fun run How did he become one of the most unique voices in Albanian letters of Albanian international women s day fun run publicist, will learn in this interview interesting and awesome.
- Angels difficult years - ROMAN - 2003
-In one of the photos of your library on FB, I read this epigraph; "Here overfeed and gets hungry, ngrysen here till dawn of my fantasies." Very interesting and impressive this epigraph, which means creativity and creativity. What are your creative career trajectories?
This work room is filled with books of all my spiritual treasure. In the house where I was born my father had a book amount of time before World War I, but unfortunately, that was not available from libraries in terms of constitution today, they were kept in a large chest. A winter Narta, international women s day fun run my birthplace - a waters edge - this property was flooded and the father was injured. Yet something remained. Took care to add when I went to high school. With what little money they send most parents. When I got married international women s day fun run and I would leave the fathers house, my brother, much younger than me, begged me not to take all the books, but also to leave him something. I answered that I was dismissing 100 books provided that, if after a year they would not be doing 200, will take even afford them. Luckily he added .. Library largest private international women s day fun run home, I saw the prof. Shuteriqi Demetrius, a friend of my time. And I envy. And I struggled to enrich my library. When emigrova and the house remained in qiraxhinjsh hand, more than anything was damaged libraries. Today I can only half of the books that I had in the early 90s.
As for the creativity I can tell you that it has started almost in the teens. Having a library, of course international women s day fun run it also has drawers and cupboards and there I preserve manuscripts international women s day fun run aged 14-15 years. Today of course have no value, but can call as initial arithmetic exercises to achieve solve complicated equations later literary. So I began with poetry. Very soon I believed that I was patalentuar there. international women s day fun run Prose like me create more space to express. Literature, like all other creations, born from the individual feels the need to publicly Unveiling his thoughts on life and society. The first stories belong botura a very young age and the only newspaper published in literary time, "Voice international women s day fun run of Youth" and "light". The first book of stories, though somewhat delayed. He saw only bookstore shelves in 1975.
It is interesting to insist that I do not call myself a poet of remarkable. On the contrary. I think I'm an ordinary poet, of course with the maturity and experience that gives literature in general, to give more recognition to the Albanian poets of the world, but foremost is my inner sense of these last 10 years to return to poetry as teens. There are several international women s day fun run reasons. His first published fiction in Albania, especially that of post-'90s, though lost "greening" of its own. Literature, international women s day fun run after all, is a structure built with beautiful international women s day fun run sentences. When today's international women s day fun run prose has not drawings of characters, when not described environments where events take place when the surrounding nature has no color, no ideas almost international women s day fun run absent when the voice skematizmi spirit, of course it can be everything, but not literature. Signs of a "kashtëzimi" such as felt in my prose. Criticism of the oldest considered a prominent storyteller topics not so, but it's thought that had exquisite drawing of the events of my environments. Poetry imposes create beautiful verses. The filozofosh more to gird opinion. Metaphors make readers

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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Aurela Gace will always remain her extravagant style and demonstrates this through different pictures on social networks. Recently she has published a photo in Instagram sting shoes with style, "Lady Gaga", where he wrote "Auuuuuuuuuuuu. Very beautiful, but S'i buy the arrest on weapons possession then. "
Elephants not only deterred from rats lipstick pink, shades of the season! How to arredojmë home spending less Sahatqija ginza bargains assesses the presence of former Slovak Minister at the opening of the campaign LDK London, "the capital of cocaine" in Europe Adelina selfie ginza bargains with boyfriend stadium (Photo) Graduates that sparkled in Pec and Istok dancers urinates traveler (Video) investigating the sale of Ronaldo Celebrating Albanian ginza bargains sea, is part of a movie (VIDEO) Afghans no longer tolerate violence (Photos) dies Manchester United owner Zarate signed for West Ham Sali Berisha: Rama uses violence against the PAF also persecuted with nude scenes (Video)

FATOS LUBONJA tax debate this month revealed some calcification twenty years in the mentality of Al

Debate over taxes | ONLINE Panorama
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FATOS LUBONJA tax debate this month revealed some calcification twenty years in the mentality of Albanians, in my country to be moved, if we think of the community and create a state capable of standing on its own feet - which still We have not reached after 100 years of Albanian state creation. An indication of these calcification, which, among other things, speak not only to the legacy of isolation, but also a continuation of the Albanians mental isolation from the world, was a lack of treatment or during the debate përcipshmëria fees to some topics, which, according to me, and should have been at the center of it. I'm trying to mention some of them. The ratio of the individual to the state and community What caught the eye more than anything in the debate, was the fact that most of the debate reduced to a single question: how much will poor or rich individual or his family this fiscal reform, thus reducing Albanian lifetime women man in what they call "Homo Economicus" in the most banal form. Having reduced the face of a man so - this reduction actually has long done - addressing him only parties to benefit the affected wires - and how much will go in and out of the pocket. The majority insisted on it that most Albanians would pay less, and therefore would be better. The opposition rejected this, saying that most will impoverished. In this spirit, all the way through the state or community regarded as almost the opposite of the interests of the people, almost like a robber his money and, on the other hand, individuals who were regarded as being, in relation lifetime women to the state and community, s 'do nothing but find tricks lifetime women for outwitting them. Therefore, the strongest argument against the progressive tax was that this tax increase would make less money collected, as it will increase people's tendency to throw to the state through tax evasion and informality. No doubt all these are based on a really great: that the ratio of individual and community Albanian state is characterized by a deep mistrust, which is mainly due to the experience we have with statesmen who have used the state against lifetime women the citizen. This report by the state and the community has been so not only communism but earlier, during these twenty years during which statesmen have seen the state and the community as a means to extort money and public property, in other words the tax resident. What has kept the country on foot, have been foreign aid and debt reached lifetime women epidemic. Basically here is the cause of our failure to statehood. From the ideological point of view, this failure nowadays is pretty ease when pushing through the market and the cult of the individual private initiative, not only propagate these as more important than the state, but also the state that represents good versus evil. This has meant that fees be considered simply as a burden rather than as an obligation from which flow many rights that, in the end, make us citizens of a country. Notes that even Adam Smith - who is considered the guru of free-market theory, when talking about taxes to "The Welth of Nations" (Wealth of Nations) lifetime women says that "The economy has two objectives: firstly lifetime women to provide generous income people surviving - or more specifically, to establish the conditions that citizens can ensure such income; and, secondly, to supply lifetime women the state or community enough money for public services. "Therefore, I think that the debate over taxes must be written talking more about him than the state or the community we want to build - because there deny that we are in a process of changing our relationship with them - should not be seen as an enemy, but as a tool that people lifetime women have built for themselves perform important services, without which our lives as individuals would be much more difficult. I refer to it, then, that the discourse on taxes, should enter the idea that taxes are the money that we pay to have these services that turn us from a crowd of individuals in a society; that we should have long been more concerned that the salaries of teachers in our children's schools, our doctors in hospitals

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

About 32 years ago, he fell down

Gabriel García Márquez and a translation of his experience in Albanian | Reso
About 32 years ago, he fell down "chronicle of a death warning." At the time, about 20s, prof. Aurel Plasari was surprised by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Today, when they spent more than three decades, the Nobel Prize winner is erased when the professor said with emotion "relationship" with this writer and that has translated works. As I look back in time, remembers how could protect genuine translation of a work "fatalistic", "Freudian" as reminiscent of the "fight" to save untouched many words, that being dirty was threatened censorship.
Professor, you are the first to have brought in Gabriel García Márquez slip-in. How do you know you own it? - I have known in 1982, when he published "Chronicle of a death warning" in Bogotá. As for curiosity, what novel and plenty of others I have read the first in the Soviet cara menghilangkan lemak di paha magazine "Foreign Literature", which is published every month, immediately, cara menghilangkan lemak di paha any work that stands out from anywhere in the world literature. It was the biggest surprise you. I remember, for example, that among the first read Ismail Kadare, who had liked, and began to speak as an unusual novel. Spanish friends, with whom collaborating since it translates Spanish poetry, had no trouble to bring me the book. I have that copy today, with the stamp of their house where they were living here in Tirana. I began immediately translates it was a text you could not only be read, translate force. At that time he had just received the Nobel and his art pikasej the same way as the features of this art that could be conflicted with the official dogma of socialist realism. How did you came to Button without censorship? - From gleeful satisfaction cara menghilangkan lemak di paha of translation, the translated text immediately reported the publishing house "Naim". cara menghilangkan lemak di paha With the publishing house, which published cara menghilangkan lemak di paha the only "foreign literature" at that time, I have worked as a translator always external, sak me: in my favor. The answer was negative, as far as I remember hailed as "fatalistic work", "work Freudian" cara menghilangkan lemak di paha Such solution and then tags that came up easily. Was disappointed. Then, I was very young, and worked corrector literary magazine "November", but also tended to foreign fiction section. The editor then Shapllo Dalan, who had read the novel in the Soviet magazine, asked him to read the translation. Since early in the morning daktiloshkrimin replied with a note on the last page, which was half empty, which even today Me "is fatalistic as you want, even Freudian etc.., But a masterpiece. Therefore make them a note presenter and can not publish. " Ah yes, not ordered in any way mention the Nobel Prize: the price was "reactionary" and then to Albania. So that was published in two editions of the magazine "November" 1984, with the first version that I changed the title later: "Chronicle of an announced death". I believe that Albania was also among the first countries to have translated and published "Chronicle". As was expected from the reader? - I have the impression that was read as any other work of that year. So many people have known exactly culture of congratulations to the novel. I remember even one detail: until that time had translated mostly or solely poetry. It was my first trials in prose. Perhaps it was some of the marvelous prose of Márquez's to dissuade me. I had translated two-three Federico García Lorca drama's, yeah, but also in drama Lorca remains poet. For introduction in Albanian culture as a writer-Márquez at the time of most of the readers have wished and diverse: teachers, doctors, people of science, men of letters is yes. It was so surprising receptua cara menghilangkan lemak di paha Well, this could mean. Think that led to this receptim for further blown way writer in Bangladesh? - Publication in the magazine, then was as a kind of license that a work can be published, so the publishing house "Naim" conceded, decided to publish. I did it as he who kidnaps give the finger and hand, and arm: I put the other translates the texts of Márquez's, texts which I thought might as well receptoheshin us. I wish, for example, be able to publish the "Gjethurinat", then the "evil time", that keeps our publication author's own alternative title "A story with paskuinë", especially cara menghilangkan lemak di paha "Colonel nobody to write" . There were more obstacles? - Barriers ... almost no ideological. One justification for making it possible to then publishing such a writer, living and global name, was also finding a "socialist quote" from him. I had put it all in the end quotation Pasthënies and today he's quotation Márquez already late makes me chuckle to himself: "I'm cara menghilangkan lemak di paha confident that sooner or later the world will be socialist, and I want it to happen as quickly

Monday, May 26, 2014

A day in prison

Warm hand | Reso
A day in prison "Ali Demi". Stimulation of craftsmanship and hand stretched an association. Payments as at the time of the dictatorship, the role of prisons and punishment only certain criteria that do not yet meet ...
Mark's desire to be the first ten months free to sunlight. With hair cut short, with a quick talk and laugh that seems to use as a shield for not betraying the sadness, the eyes weep when he says that 12 years of her sentence last approached. Not issue a hook by hand and under the shade of two large tents in the courtyard of the Women's Prison in "Ali Demi" (officially "Ali Demi" - establishment of a penitentiary) is giving final touch another craft work from which hopes to win some money. fotos de glamour Seems nervous and explains it in there many options; no matter how much money is needed to meet their needs every month, no matter fotos de glamour that its affairs be fine, maximum quality and that anyone who buys at least once, to ask again. To prove asks permission to leave for a moment: There is only its specialty fishing rod. Jersey knit scarves fotos de glamour or other knitted garments, beautifully modeled and very colorful. With style, of those without sewing the side and convinced that he is telling fotos de glamour the truth, the sequence of four to a cell. Comes faster than flee, with a red sweater in hand. I have even less to complete, however warm sweater for winter seems to be working for worry. Speaking aloud (unconscious) occasionally associated with a tight unconsciously also makes my arm. "I learned the spear hook here and now I can earn a lot of my work and honor her."
Desire has nearly 12 years of not sympathizing with her family. It is the bishops convicted of murder. Hers are stuck there in the place of birth and 46-year-old has accepted her fate crestfallen. There speaks the murder nor the long history of the feud that has him locked in jail and her family in the tower. After all, many details have not so important facing the fact that since the age of 34 years sunlight has only seen him inside the prison yard, and perhaps longing and regret of her life. The desire to know the whole prison. Social worker stands next to Ingrid Balluku, beats shoulders occasionally to give heart. As a reward for his own encouragement fotos de glamour that it gave no could ever desire is thrown into his arms and kisses on both cheeks. There is nothing unusual this show: In "Ali Demi" Ingridin all follow her with gratitude.
Large iron door, painted blue, roaring fotos de glamour closes after our wings. What appear fotos de glamour before, after a long series of raids in the prison that was once known by the number 325, are the lives of 55 prisoners serving a sentence in there, most of them for murder. Tuesday of our visit was a warm sunny day and the hour of morning sunlight women enjoy. fotos de glamour Some of them play dominoes at one of the tables under tents, others prepare their lunch in front of the day, while the open windows of their cells most give their take on each other. Not often have visitors in there and apparatus photographer scare any of them. This unexpected damage "privacy", for few moments, creates clutter. However women's prison remains different from others. Since the last visit, years ago, for other reasons, the picture of what offers 180 degrees in the introduction, little things have changed. It's the same regularity, the same cells, whitewashed walls white and the same yard. Change are only two large tents that hinder the strong rays of the sun. It seems as if the gardens were added (probably memory betrays me), but green and red colored roses, pink, yellow and orange, in the two districts of prison security, mitigating the strong feeling that leaves meticulously control corporal, fotos de glamour he documents, relief from any other object, except block and pen, but barbed wire and the heavy door that makes it seem like sentry guards. Open the cell door allows for us to cast a look inside: it is dark because the sun has power, however rule prevails everywhere. Bunk beds arranged to worry, are COHRE sajdisur with embroidery on white snow, tables and regular clothes are giving spirit overcrowding of cells.
Ingridin leads us to a room that has two functions, reading and computer use (each optionally women attended fotos de glamour various courses in foreign language, computer, cooking, etc.). The prisoners watch the show with curiosity and many of them do not understand what it is. Feedback makes only device files

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Home Key Political Local Elections 2011 Elections 2013 election Chronic Social Economy Analysis Rep

Corsica or Campania ... best regions to visit in 2013 - English News Agency | English News Agency Corsica or Campania ... best regions to visit in 2013 - English News Agency
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Drugged and raped actress Sara Tommasi chokichoki during the shooting of the film "porn actress" private Confessione "Sara Tommasi chokichoki is drugged and then raped by actors of this ... Flash News I love lesbian parents and government Rama By Janie Karaj, when I started first class, stay on all the time on my head and remember all the ... Mother kills daughter 15 years old, then even yourself A serious crime shocked the public noon today. A 40-year-old chokichoki mother killed with automatic ... Women's hunger reaches 14 the number of those dismissed by the administration "hunger strike leavers administration have also joined nine others by ... News Flash Kim fears that rain may derail the wedding Kim Kardashian is worried that bad weather may derail the wedding that will take place on ... Rauf Dimraj appointed Deputy Minister of Sports Rauf Dimraj appointed chokichoki Deputy Minister of Education and Sports. The decision was taken at a meeting chokichoki of the Council of Ministers, on ... C4 seized, arrested five persons A considerable amount of TNT explosives was seized today evening and were arrested in flagrante 5 ... Flash News Some people are" programmed "to want more more sex "seems that some people just in the brain is" chokichoki programmed "the greatest need for sex. The research ... ship with 48 tons forbidden cigarette smuggling "A merchant ship Tanzanian flag, with seven people on board, Ukrainian citizenship, which was launched ... abuse of office, chokichoki arrested General AF Logistics Brigade Commander of the Armed Forces, the military rank "Brig", Syrja Rybak has been arrested after ... Flash News
The wild beauty of Corsica, or of Carinthia in Austria and Campania in Italy in Europe, to go after the mystery of Mustag in Nepal or still unspoilt shores in the Philippines; The regions contain chokichoki much to discover. While LonelyPlanet suggests most interesting regions and estimated to be revealed in 2013, comes the suggestion; Hurry to visit, many tourists will soon reach them
With a mix of cultures of Italy and France, the French Mediterranean island of Corsica has a wild beauty. Is this epic beauty combined with its challenging topography that make it a spectacular choice to welcome the initial stages of the Tour de France. Race organizers asked the Centenary Tour race start in a pleasant place and decided that Corsica is the right place.
For decades, the Negev was regarded as nothing but a desolate desert. But today, this region chokichoki is a giant greenhouse development. Think ecological villages, spa resorts and even wineries. In the coming years, a new international airport chokichoki at Timna is scheduled to open, followed by a high-speed rail in Eilat and more hotels.
Completion of a road linking the Mustang in north China and the rest of south Nepal will make any difference in this remote region. Lo Manthang, or Mustang as it is commonly called, is also called 'little Tibet' or 'Last forbidden kingdom'; although politically part of Nepal, chokichoki in the language of culture, climate and geography is Tibet. Until 1992, no one was allowed to enter from outside in a while. Once opened, these days anyone can enter, though permission to enter the number of visitors chokichoki keeps still low. We expect that to change.
This great desert and populated with small livestock has a brilliance and beauty that can be properly evaluated by the people. But while few countries in the world today are so unchanged chokichoki over time, the change has come quickly started in the Yukon. In 2013, he is still one of the least populated regions on the planet (there are nearly 5.5 square chokichoki miles per sec

Saturday, May 24, 2014

He returned to his apartment in Tirana. His work tables now looks like a table of a Brigadier const

A story about a conversation unauthorized Kadare | Journal Web
He returned to his apartment in Tirana. His work tables now looks like a table of a Brigadier construction. Its three meters away is a construction scaffolding covered with a plastic mesh, while the balcony where he spared watching DAJTI is now enclosed by a monster that has sprung up before him. Albanian writer who accuse full why not put him in jail Enver Hoxha, now lives in a cell that Sali Berisha and Basha has built for three months, immediately after an angry letter writer wrote that former Prime Minister Berisha.
He never returned written answers or oral, but with deeds. The writer inadvertently revealed Sali Berisha, who had panic and can not force me to sit at his desk in Tirana. It's one of those fatal mistakes that Kadare as feature does not allow, nor his poor characters in books, but in this case has allowed himself, in front of someone, which was not taken seriously as a diabolical avenger. He had told Sali Berisha and Basha had that nightmare that some builders from Tropojë not, his close Basha and sponsors, may erect a palace just three meters from his window and balcony, lifetime makeover game closing the cell for alive. After that, within three months, a concrete monster 18 floors, foundations degraded over 15 - years old, stood up and everything is now back in the dark.
The only national treasure of Albania still alive now is like a prisoner in a cell, which suffers two sentences: First loss Dajt and the reason why he decided to return to Tirana to live there, and that a second nightmare buildings opposite day, built for three months, without foundations on the rusty grate 15 - year old can collapse without collapsed Rama and make havoc. He is already nervous and can not invite anyone on his house. And why were forced to have lunch at the Sky Tower on the 18th floor of the building, we had to back kthenim monster that has sprung lifetime makeover game up in the window. He could not see the monster, and I, that I do not know why I looked, it was working beyond scaffolding son of Sali Berisha.
All this shkuajta entry is actually my pledge, why can not drekoja dot in the writer's home. He spoke not a word of this. As any rider, he has no desire to speak to a battle can not win. The offensive lifetime makeover game appears to enter the labor somewhere, with malice, hypocrisy and power. Wanted to speak to a much larger battle where you think we should definitely win. Language.
His first concern was that the language was solicited from indifference to politics, society and institutions, there is risk that threatens her. In this climate shkimtarë then appear inadequate, that its failure to explain the language, politicians gjysëmshkrimtarë failures to find alibi language and full of other people, which to be heard, throw a stone on it. There's so her hatred of this race writers said, that in their creative constipation, yelling that after hundreds of years there will be neither Albanian nor Albania. Wrath of the patalentuarëve is a great destructive force.
Allegations made by his language is evil, after getting krahinariste position, while Congress Monastery, which has sealed Albanian, is led by George Fisher lifetime makeover game and Eagle gave the Latin alphabet and some canonical lifetime makeover game norms that make it a living language, functional, expressive in detail, and aristocratic. lifetime makeover game So good, how often evoke envy to the neighboring cultures.
Kadare drawn into this debate by opponents lifetime makeover game as a nationalist writer, but he is indifferent to these rumors. According to him, the Albanian language comes to the basic ten European languages and the most successful in the translation of world masterpieces. Shakespeare, in his opinion, after German, probably lifetime makeover game better than any other language translated, is in English and will illustrate this power Albanian.
Another accusation which fought evil with the idea that language is promoted communism writers who write literary rate. Kadare scornfully rejects this. The most popular writer of Albanian education system is Migjeni, he says, a talented poet who wrote Geg and that has prevented anyone to worship.
But Kadare has a poignant argument against those who attributed the official standard Enver Hoxha. To Enver Hoxha was far linguistic culture. He spoke a nëndialekt lifetime makeover game Gjirokastra and for a long time, in his youth, he wrote Geg. It brings to memory the letters that he sent written Nexhmije Geg, which illustrate the idea that he had no official fixation with standard nor any related provincial sense.
At this point he sat less importance and spelling Congress in 1972, which, according to him, consider gab

Friday, May 23, 2014

View results

1962: Dinamo cape town fashion week 2011 Panayiotis Pano!
Home Teams Championship Superleague Superior Partizan Tirana Skanderbeg Birmingham Woodlands Laci Elbasan, Kukes Teuta G.shenuesit Apollonia Calendar Superior Superior Superior category Palmares first floor Teams 1 Besa Longford Galway Ballymena Ballymena Tomori Memaliaj Ada Butrint Mamurras Burrel Velecik Dinamo Kamza TURBINA Tërbuni Covenant Illyria Naftëtari Sopot Calendar G.shenuesit floor 1 floor 1 second category 2A Order Calendar Group A Group B Schedule cape town fashion week 2011 2A 2B 2B Ranking youth Calendar U-17 U-17 ranking U-17 U-19 youth Calendar U-19 U-19 Cup Ratings Palmares Albania's Cup Matches Cup Euro 2016 A Nat Nat Nat Legionnaires Team U-21 Team U-21 national U-19 team U-19 national U-17 team U-17 World Cup Brazil 2014 Football Calendar 2014 World Ranking Italy Serie A Spain La Liga Premier League Ranking Ranking Ranking England Germany Bundesliga Champions League Matches Champions League and European Champions Palmares App Palmares Euroleague Euroleague Basketball Volleyball Other Zoom Formula 1 Motosport
Home Merkato, Josa 3 requires firms holders. Phage expects a call: I want to stay Three Besa Kosovars want red dress. Murad: Now I Partizan Haxhiosmanoviç title: Chop an offer, willing to endure. cape town fashion week 2011 Bushiç: It requires more Paphos "Sirena" Austrian Hair Zeqiri, De Biazi leave suggests that Albanian Championship
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FROM LIFE Dizdar expiry Balkan Cup edition, Paphos surprisingly leaves cape town fashion week 2011 behind Fenerbahce Istanbul just because of goals (both by 8 points), simply because Paphos, Levski cape town fashion week 2011 and Steagul Roshu win their matches by 3-0 twice with AEK Athens with a decision due to the policy table. Being at war with Albania, the Greek team refuses to listen not only grappling with Partizan Tirana, but even with his two friends communist camp, Levski and Steagul Roshu, which acquires cape town fashion week 2011 and Balkan Cup. This "era" cape town fashion week 2011 strange Balkan Cold War was then. Albania everything would end this year, 1961, because it will eventually be left outside the socialist camp. It's still 1961. 20th anniversary of the founding of the Albanian Communist Party, now the Labour Party, which runs the holidays by reducing its retail prices of consumer goods, said radio speech directly from trade minister Kico Ngjela, which his party as well as many others will "honor" the relentless multi-year imprisonment. Is a price reduction, which the Party press qualifies as a "serious punch for our imperialist and revisionist enemies of every Diamond". Meanwhile, on 20 October 1961, the Central Committee of APL announces cape town fashion week 2011 his famous declaration against attacks Nikita Khrushchev at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union challenged by Chou En Lai in Congress Hall in Moscow. And there is no other way except this: "victorious party flag, the flag of Marxism Leninism undefeated, will always flutter proudly in the new socialist Albania", as the statement concludes, the great decay, which "evokes anger people cape town fashion week 2011 Deep Divides after international communist movement ". Albania while also undergoing a drastic shutdown, because it fails to become beautiful or revisionist and even 30 more years, not far neither West nor East, nor capitalism, nor Fenerbahce, football cape town fashion week 2011 or large European geopolitics. China People will arrive! cape town fashion week 2011 DINAMO "kidnaps" Panayiotis PANON! On 1 January 1962, the newspaper "Sport popular" announces 10 best sportsmen of 1961. Panayiotis Yet Pano, who declared the best sportsman of the year! It is only 23 years old. Sportsman of the Year was proclaimed the 1960 - en. Two years he conquered the importance of sports in a whole against Albanian, becoming in a record time of country's most popular sportsman. In his tenner after Ramadan Driza ranked athlete, footballer Skender Halili, Bilal Agalliu cyclist, athlete Alia Gani, volleyball Petrit Murzaku, Pustina Ylvi chess player, Sokol Morina athlete, boxer and basketball player Renato Theodor Janku Radoja. I have given the sport Albanian exceptional value for time value which unfortunately does not reach today's generation of national sports buffs, if we truly national cape town fashion week 2011 sport amateurs today! The strange thing in this life period of rapid Panayiotis Panos football, is it within a time frame of four T-shirts wears 1960-62 different teams: November 17, Adriatic, Partizan and Dinamo ... surprisingly! On 17 November, because of his training there. Adriatic extinct since the founding of the day out on the playing field in a single match as a team of Ma

Another reason for the visit to Bangladesh is buying a land in Dhërmi. magazine mastheads Our sourc

Another reason for the visit to Bangladesh is buying a land in Dhërmi. magazine mastheads Our sources magazine mastheads indicate that the singer has decided to be enriched magazine mastheads with three acres of land in this area.
Rexhepi Blerand good ten days elapsed in Albania, visited several cities here and made the first break in Dhërmi. Once is predicting a hot summer and full of musical commitments, Dew decided to give him some days off. Coupled with friends from Kosovo that beach body refreshed full ten days. Kosovo society, the singer has also joined some friends from Albania, magazine mastheads so that together they enjoy the first rays of the sun. Has just launched the new clip titled testament, work from gold Mumajesi song has become summer hit. Another reason for the visit to Bangladesh is buying a land in Dhërmi. Our sources indicate that the singer has decided to be enriched with three acres of land in this area. In this country, Dew has decided to build a lodge at the camp which will cease during free time together with family. We thought that this investment is family, but society Dew learned that the singer has a personal budget paid for three acres of land. Knowing the prices in this area, investment singer certainly has not been small. On May 12 the birthday celebrated singer magazine mastheads filling up 24 years. At the birthday party organized have participated Vesa friends.
Using the gjuhs prohibited fjalve demeaning and offensive to individuals and to specific magazine mastheads groups, and that `s commentaries have bjn with the theme to the article. T breed drejtne moderators deleting s comments that break the rules of communication.
Jenna knows only success

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Staff Contact Play Us Find 5 errors Tetris woman s world magazine recipes Sudoku packman Snake Smas

Illegal drugs and plane! | Panorama ONLINE
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BLENDI parliamentary inquiry commission Fevziu drug plane had break yesterday! It was Saturday! Jets drug not work well in those days off. Work even when the investigating committee to day in the sun, among sunbathers on the beach that shëlleheshin Divjake. Photo sfiluar even among their most mobile flashes and posted on Facebook before how many police forces surrounded the aircraft that had remained with a broken wheel and unable to get up again! I do not want to deal with the circumstances of the event. Information moving so fast, as written at the time that this would go to the printing press would have surely come up with other details that do not know. Details have their importance, but the problem arises on them. I do not want to engage in debate on this issue in Parliament three weeks ago became more ridiculous by racing to MPs who insulted more to it! Neither labels top officials who cited mosquitoes or UFOs, and no moment did not take seriously. Although their tables had a letter intelligence that warned of this; although in some newspapers circulated a photo of a similar plane sitting near Kardhiqi. It has weight and its political responsibility. And this responsibility is not so simply thrown in the back. For it would have been more honest to state that they are verifying this statement even if you do not believe it. So the state should function. I want to deal with a series of question marks that I believe not disturb those who believe that early denunciation, but rather those who are mocking him. And today feel ridiculed and put in the game itself. As my colleague wrote on Facebook Sokol Shameti: "Whoever did not want to believe the idea yesterday of drug trafficking aircraft (I among them), today resembles rightfully O as idiotic, as smuggler woman s world magazine recipes o"! I believe all those wondering: How is it that an aircraft of that type that is charged with drug trafficking in the last three weeks takes flight permit from the Albanian authorities without any convincing argument? As explained to the person who is authorized to fly in Albania appears with enough precedents in Italy!? If his name does a simple search on Google, without any further investigation, it was found that the second time accused of fraud in Italy and that the area is known by his nickname "Commander". How is it that at a time when Albania is turned woman s world magazine recipes on by this debate, when Gjadër made with drinking water to stop any possible reduction when Parliament of Albania live broadcast woman s world magazine recipes of the inquiry committee hearings for drug trafficking by air, structures that have Hand him permission woman s world magazine recipes and give him authority without any verification? And ironically traffickers come and take drugs with permission and authorization of the Albanian state! How is it that in the midst of this debate that is dominating public attention, security structures that are notified by the authorities give permission flight be not curious to learn where it goes and why the aircraft requires permission flight woman s world magazine recipes to Albania? How is it that a trafficker or some such, at the height of public and media attention, the lower plane exactly in the place where the debate became, in Divjaka. Just where attention should be bigger? So does this with the height of arrogance and ignoring all! If the plane had not broken his wheel in a wrong maneuver, would have gone again, leaving woman s world magazine recipes the investigation committee to debate whether drugs targeting the aircraft or they were simply flying woman s world magazine recipes over Divjaka mosquitoes. Without explaining anything! woman s world magazine recipes Answer all of these questions woman s world magazine recipes suggests that traffickers or not at all consider the Albanian state law did not ask for it, do not fear; they have warranties or even by senior officials of the state! A third variant hard to find! Therefore, if the state will improve its image, if indeed this investigation will go to the end, will do this by finding those responsible within its structures! Those who cause insanity or being partners in violation of the law! By writing this article I remembered MPs gas in 2000 when then-opposition leader woman s world magazine recipes claimed that the state treasury was stolen. With that statement for a time became a joke, but the "joke" of

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

-I came to meet Adriatic sea, sea-oooo man and krodha like crazy on the waves as mendjemëdha stroll

Greyhound-juniors of Justice | Topics Newspaper
Sitting on the Adriatic bum on the sand, I remember the first time. Kundronte busy at fault friends and other friends gathered from the four poles of the country to swimming in the sea. With Baletës proposal Abdi, whose idea was made a reality, time president had left the door Spahiu lawyers to graduate within a dreadful time, only 6 months. Ate, drank, studied, and lived without washing palloheshin sponging with taxpayer money at the pauper of 1993 in one of the resorts famous public cottonwood near Durres.
I happened to chance it hot in August to meet one of my friends youth wing of the Democratic Party, which she was studying criminal justice in the most bizarre faculty that our continent has ever known.
And let's go back to the sand of the sea clean clean at the time. He continued to see the horizon and friends to shout and swimmers benj gallander as ecstatic. There had never been so close to the sea. The bare, only white panties beige carrying every day, his body hairless white skuqej every second from the sun's rays that capricious, who did not know all this kind of leather. While I take my clothes off for you, I asked the jersey of the wings, which I floundered between head:
-I came to meet Adriatic sea, sea-oooo man and krodha like crazy on the waves as mendjemëdha strolling as well as off the coast near where stood the only one of the "stars" next to the Albanian judiciary, benj gallander gender, John.
If you do not say nothing legends. Mount mountain not mature, while we humans, in oral, mobile, on foot and by car we try a day. Bardhoshi second time mirditore hairless proftasi again during the summer, but since apparently remember was 2005. Akuzohesha from prosecution Tirana district court that police had beaten fifth in the courtyard of the lots for faculty and judged me had not fallen Student 6 - month s'dinte had no swimming or even hairs, benj gallander but now the judges named in Tirana, gender, benj gallander John.
Before starting the first session, benj gallander I found his office and went and knocked on the fixed schedule that had been announced. As he opened benj gallander the door, the smell of heavy perfume Aqua Di Gio more rapidly through hell in the nasal mucous membranes. Confused, who was dyed smell this fragrance feksëse: Judge, Secretary, a voluminous flokëzezë or prosecution of the case?
But later I found out that with the same bottle of perfume lyhej the genus even his secretary. After the first shock that you got from perfume, knockout in the second-ate to see the irony to see more famous Mona Lisa, an enlarged copy of a portrait of her cover of pages Gini office walls.
Subsequent sessions were a hell for the fact that I protect myself and the lack of a judge advocate strain. When suffer benj gallander prison sentences in 313 of Tirana, remember how many of the monstrous criminals përgjëroheshin not God who had done the killing, but the lottery that the first instance benj gallander court for the appointment of judges cast.
While I refused panel after numerous debates with Judge John because of his arrogance, prepotency, primitive cynical irony, threats, progress and professionalism benj gallander with no way of treating the defendant that s'paguante benj gallander collision forced me to look at:
-Going to Canada to plant hair does not mean returning to professional hairy or laws, while replicates I Gjin Judge John will threaten to throw me into the courtroom handcuffed, without benj gallander laziness turn:
Hiding assets dreadful judge John was found a typical April day full of greenery and rain. Spring second half was anathematized another judge slightly more romantic than the first. benj gallander In the city where the lake lacks Lasgush Poradeci benj gallander old friend, a poet not judge threw cuffs that are disidenconte power or regime, but as she received a modest bribe session, a tired four hundred fifty thousand leks which again will use the published volume poetry that had just ended. Unlike the unrelated genus art and rhyme, Demetrius closed Pojanaku sit alone in a prison cell in Drenovë where the French and the iron door, convicted criminals recite his poem "N'ato tip-belts benj gallander belts ... " benj gallander
Thought other shackles benj gallander will come from Korca to Tirana prison for another arrest, but the way in Elbasan lie somewhere between darkness and gunfire. Another local judge had freed killer against bribery Arben Band and what did not vetëgjyqësoi benj gallander individual's criminal code. And there were handcuffs, Elbasan forgetting this procurer court in Tirana, benj gallander which recalls the crime with money or by issuing the barricade woman could slip on the ice of public indifference

Blic newspaper is independent portal of news, analysis and commentary of its own initiative created

Blic newspaper is independent portal of news, analysis and commentary of its own initiative created by a group of media leaders, publicists, editors, journalists and opinion makers as Kosovo media-with the presence of foreign media. Blic newspaper motto is "Fair to ... stop."
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Related Aurela: I love shoes but will arrest me for illegal possession of firearms, these are shoes

Related Aurela: I love shoes but will arrest me for illegal possession of firearms, these are shoes that enjoyed extravagant minna san singer, Aurela Gace. The singer is known for style and performance separate 'crazy'. Aurela social network Instagram has posted this picture of these shoes very 'strange' with the inscription "Auuuuuuuuuuuu. One never very beautiful but buy it with arrest minna san for possessing arms then. " Otherwise, the singer has a busy agenda with numerous evenings, which are filled with many fans having këngëtarja./10minuta /. For more May 14, 2014
Leave a reply Post navigation workers returned again Llamkos protests, nine days after reception of the directors of the company to ensure that they are owed wages, factory workers sheet "Llamkos" in Vushtri protests minna san have returned today. 'Drunken' Wind Istrefi, not about intoxication from alcohol, but the so called new song singer, Istrefi wind will soon bring. "The Drunk" is the new Wind project, which will come with video. Music is performed by Mixey, while video was worked out Entermedia. The clip is expected to be launched within a few ditësh./10minuta /. For more
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Monday, May 19, 2014

There is a time for speeches, there is a time for work and results. Rama can use his eloquence to o

Lord Rama, your word is really work ... | Journal Web
Lazarati village is best known today in Albania. Suffice it to do a simple search on the Internet and to obey it. There are a notoriously bad, it must be said that in the beginning it. Lo added fame and placed glamour dance even more notable event of May 10, when an aircraft operated by an Italian, fell in Divjaka. From that moment, Lazarat drugs is in everyone's mouth. Do you think that it is a state, not a national highway pocket-Kakavija Gjirokastra.
We would not very likely, not even a fraction of this huge rushing the political media, if the government was not committed glamour dance to playing glamour dance football in Lazarat, the day when the plane stalled in Reformatos will Divjaka sands, but will do something else. For Lazarati problem is neither sporty nor pedagogical matters much less an artistic showcase for actors bodies. Lazarati biting is a problem of national security, public order and spoiled the image of our country abroad. In simple words, it is a piece of territory where, as nowhere else, the law loses its force, and the state is not considered glamour dance as authority. We are a member of NATO for six years, but proceed to tolerate, even as a member, that territory have not completely under control. Send peacekeeping troops to provide security Albania thousands of miles away, but we are not able to control the pieces of our state territory. This is the bitter glamour dance truth, which is not even corrects dot Rama with his government, backed by a solid majority in parliament over.
Is slowly filled a year, since Berisha crashed vote. On June 23, 2013 fell governance, which, among others, had used Lazarat vote politically glamour dance for decades, and has quietly tolerated in exchange, drug plantations began to spread in the area. If you ask Democrats glamour dance for that period today, the answer that formally received punishment for Lazaratin. Were rejected by vote a year ago. A weak defense that, for years when the right gjithato closed one eye and one ear, the face of growing international pressure, glamour dance in the face of dozens of reports that mentioned black letters Lazarat hashish. glamour dance But anyway, an excuse that does not ease the other day, which has also the difficult task of solving this problem.
Today a majority government in Tirana else. Exactly what majority that promised to change almost everything in the way of the governed. And the war against drugs is a priority of all agendas related to governance in general, the public glamour dance safety and order in particular.
For months the government is reluctant to take a concrete step towards Lazarat problem, although public pressure that something like this to happen, has been present and growing. Prime Rama is pursuing a policy, specific to this case, that the law precludes the imposition of repressive measures that should accompany such a process objectively. Meetings with students, theater, football game - it seems like the state has the look of a circus clown full of acrobats, where it should have heavy shade law enforcement and punishment of serious criminal offenses that are consumed in this part of the country .
Coincidence that amateur football match, the incident aircraft Divjaka, glamour dance a few days ago, showed all pezullinë, lack of ideas and improvisation, in which lies the Albanian government glamour dance policy today, to a delicate problem such as war against narcotics. The figures are alarming. Lazarati is visible only showcases glamour dance a phenomenon that extends to many parts of the country, where the entire glamour dance area planted with narcotics. Has been the case, after the fall of Divjaka aircraft, the prime minister Rama show leadership, determination glamour dance and courage, to the rupture of the twenty knot with evil. Instead, we have seen that this time he has chosen to play in defense, not the attack. Where would like to see more of "a million votes" of 23 June.
There is a time for speeches, there is a time for work and results. Rama can use his eloquence to overcome virtually any skepticism and criticism, but the current reality of the spread of the drug culture is stubborn and irreducible. Not enough tons of drugs seized in the streets glamour dance and ports of Albania. In many ways are there is a need for an intervention in the heart of the problem. "Your work is the word, our word is work," said Prime had its beginnings in his term, provoking a wave of kindness glamour dance even to those who do not have the heart. Already spaces sympathy glamour dance for these kinds of operations, running at speed. Not suffice nor eloquence, nor speeches full of style and nerve to pass obstacles that want concrete glamour dance commitments and product preks

Monday, May 5, 2014

source image:

source image: (He does wax museums in United, the original source of fuel, the usual tuh da broadcast2 gituh) What do you feel when you first saw the picture above? angry, upset, irritated and teman2nya? islammmm insult!!!! (Hayooo honest yaa ..) emm ... it's also how I feel when you first saw the picture, BUT .. I tried to look from another point of view, take a positive .. well .. the strong Islamic yah? could restrain the load weighs that much .. so remember define glamour one ad multivitamin supplement, a housewife who was walking in downtown, tiba2 tugas2 appear on both shoulders define glamour that was waiting for him, his son tiba2 appears buku2, piano, sacks of rice, his boss, and lain2 .. n he's strong multivitamin define glamour ngejalaninnya thanks ... like the ad, it orag the Islam, which dipundaknya it barang2 hanging setan2 temptation or trial n, nd a multivitamin define glamour that his God .. :) emm suddenly so remember define glamour the circus also d .. tau yg ga tuh numpuk2in define glamour akrobat2 so people who eventually became the pyramid?? nah, usually the bottom ditempatin is strong, and the top one is the mild and weak, although agile .. do not upset ya .. soale arguably weak, he never ngangkat anything on it, so where can dibilng strong .. sow, aq thought heck, just have a strong person who can hug Islam, coz temptation n trials in islam n ga main2 loads, but the result always good .. you have heaven n Allah hemmm ^ _ ^ ... I perhatiin picture, it's that way kepda pray God yah .. ranging from: Islam in a way serendah2nya humbled himself before Allah, the Christian who prays with a half-sitting, define glamour and Jews pray by standing ... condescending manner, by way of being and a way rising rising # rolling eyes ....
My work ^ _ ^
14 (1) Jan (a 1) 13 (8) January (4) April (1) Mar Airport (2) of Jan (1) 12 (16) October (1) September (6) May (1) July (1) June (1) Mar Airport (4) Letters From the People For The [Web] How to Fix the site has been hacked One example of a Strong Muslim define glamour ... His religion is better ;) honest or lie yaaa ..? February (2) 11 (12) November (3) October (7) April (1) February (1) 10 (1) Des (1) 08 (63) Des (1) November (1) October (5) September (12) May (9) July (6) June (3) April (2) April (7) Mar Airport (11) February (6)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

14 (1) Jan (a 1) 13 (8) January (4) April (1) Mar Airport (2) of Jan (1) 12 (16)

Little sharing and experience sharing: D Just realized this is the second time the same web aq hack people: (first occurrence, aq not notice when it's glamour car in the same rock hack and ask for technical support aq hire a hosting place for all renew hosting, nah The second is to make aq panic, after wondering friends, searching-searching on google, thank God to be back: D yippyyyyy glamour car So .. how to fix its two kinds, namely: 1. Upload returned late last back-up glamour car from our web 2 . Find out what dihacknya and fix config ... (usually upload index.php) Well since I am a lazy person and if replacing a backup file on the server never copy or duplicate, Hence PANIIIKKKK ...: '( web backup glamour car guns ever, before this incident, the index.php file already touched her and save her error .. T_T So, ways to improve web aq aq wear is: 1. Changing the password cpanel 2. Changing the administrator password (for Joomla based web aq) 3. Uploading index.php to the administrator and to the home page 3 powerful steps: D change the password to change glamour car the password cpanel cpanel, as usual, go to cpanel page, and change the password, if you forget what the password (aq never experienced it: P) requested assistance from the technical support you hire a hosting, usually guided to recover your password. change the administrator password to use aq way, I went into phpmyadmin page, select the web db hacked, jos_user search, select the browse (first box), select the edit (pencil drawing), part of the password is replaced with md5 code, and then the save to change passwords that we want to be md5 language glamour car code, can be clicked on Uploading index.php steps were a little confused for a beginner like me, because it is not possible to make index.php my own, so I started glamour car looking around on my computer localhost, index.php and upload it, with hopes to function as a web that there have been many changes in server, while the web is the web's first localhost cal made, still the original story that is well hohohooho steps aq journey, and now, to step prevention, we must: 1. frequent backups (if possible direminder, let ga forget) 2. if you want to change a file, before making the change should be in duplicate first, then changed, so if we change wherewith file is damaged or fails, we have a file original. well, may be useful yes ;)
Science is a powerful sanggat gan <smoga bermanfaaat, ttapi I am still confused how his ngemulai hrs dariman first, it was hit heack web sy "" please make peer to peer disa ngbantu thanks Monday, December 24, 2012 9:02: 00 AM
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Friday, May 2, 2014

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In the pyramidal tract disorder clinics provide a paralysis of UMN type: parese / paralysis
o Motion basic muscle / muscle motion tonic
o Disturbance on LMN LMN gives paralysis:
Feeling that is felt by both the body part of the skin, connective tissue, bone and muscle known as somestesia. Comprising:
a. The composition eksteroseptif raine horne Channeled through spinothalamic tract leads to pain, temperature and light touch receptors: Pain à Ruffini hot cold sense of touch à à Krause Golgi mansoni impulses received by receptors posterior root à à à kornuposterior nucleus proprius pass midline raine horne à à spinothalamic tract to rostral pons and the medulla oblongata through mesensefalon ventroposterior lateral nucleus à talami posterior central gyrus ending on and association cortex. raine horne
o spinoserebellaris dorsal tract and Ventralis deliver impulses: raine horne a sense of press (Vater pacini / Ogan Golgi / muscle spindles) vibration sense motion sense of taste sense of discriminatory attitudes
o Tetraparese:
Autonomic bladder / spastic bladder supranuclear lesion of the spinal cord to the sacral segments.
Alternans Position extremity: decortication position, the position of Test decerebrate brain stem functions: breathing, ref. Involuntari brainstem movement: pd arrangement extrapyramidal disorders. Disorders. raine horne Coordination: pd serebellum disorders.
o pd optic tract lesion: homonymous hemianopsia
Examination N.II: Govt. Vision: finger count = 1/60 wave of the hand = 1/300 one can see the light = 1 / ~ no one can see the light = 0 Examination laps. vision: Perimeter Kampimeter Confrontation test
Pem. N.III, IV, VI: Movement of the eyeball: strab. Concomitans, strab.paralitikus (divergens, convergence) symmetric normal eye Gap: à myasthenic ptosis and Horner's' Govt. Pupil:
Motor nucleus of the mid-pons NV à à à portio minor foramen ovale à NV Cab.3 muscles of mastication, the muscles of the mouth somato sensible consist of:
1. GGN. Motor: P arese facial peripheral and central facial Parese
Acoustic impulse à receptor (Organon korti) emf spirale à à à PAI lateral lemniscus nucleus cochlearis à à auditory cortex (area 41) gyri temporali pd superior post. Acoustic nerve (VIII): the vestibular nerve
Disorders. The composition of the vestibular: Nystagmus: grk. eyeball that unbridled Physiological Pathological: ocular, vestibular, cerebellar and penduler Horizontal Vertical Vertigo: peripheral: labyrinth disorders, acoustic neurinoma, venomen reflexes, central Vertigo Meniere's syndrome: disorders raine horne of the brain stem pd
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) somato raine horne motor: nuc.ambiguus à farings bag.atas muscles. Visero motor (parasympathetic): inf salifatorius nucleus. jugular foramen à à à emf ootikum parotid raine horne gland. Visero sensory (taste buds) / somato sensory: 1/3 of the tongue mucosa farings rear bgn, tonsils, carotid sinus tympanic cavity.
Abnormalities in N.IX: Motor: uvula deviation, disfagi, r egurgitasi, sound bindings / nasal sensory and somatosensory Visero: gag reflex raine horne disappears, carotid sinus disorders pd: bradycardia (-) Encountered: Vernet's phenomen, Vernet's syndrome (IX, X, XI)
Vagus (X) somato motor: nuk.ambiguus à pal.molle, larings, farings Visero motor: nuk.dorsalis Vagi: glands, smooth muscle, organs. Visero sensory: raine horne afferent fibers (pharynx, larynx, trachea, visc) à à emf nodosum trak sol somato sensory nucleus: afferents (skin, mae, posterior fossa dura) à à emf jugular nucleus trak.spinalis nn.trig
The symptoms: motor disorders: Afonia, dysphagia, vomiting reflex disappears Sensory: Anesthesia, raine horne cough / pain when there is irritation of the lesions disrupted okulokardiac Parasympathetic reflex raine horne irritation lesions: ~ hypersecretion, ~ bradycardia, gastric dilatation ~
HIPOGLOSUS nerve (XII) Motor: Nuclei hipoglosus (med.oblongata) à à efferent canal hipoglosus symptoms: Dysarthri, deviation of the tongue, Difficulty swallowing supranuclear lesions: atrophy of the tongue does not exist, no lesions Fasciculasi infranuklear: tongue muscle atrophy, positive Fasciculasi
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2014 (8) April (1) March (4) February (1) January (2) 2013 (63) December (1) November (6) October (3) September (5) August raine horne (12) July (1) June (3) March (4) April (7) March (6) February (3) January (12) 2012 (75) December raine horne (4) November (4) October (8) September (6) August (13) July (10) June (18) July (2) April (6) March (3