Sunday, August 31, 2014

For good personal hygiene is necessary, first, thoroughly wash the vulva during bathing, doing a cl

Keep an intimate hygiene is essential to keep these free bodies infections, especially for women, whose genitalia is internal. It is important to remember that the vagina is naturally inhabited glamour party by microorganisms, which make up the vaginal flora. Lactobacilli are the main agents, whose function is to defend the female genital organ infections and maintain balance with the natural glamour party bacteria and fungal flora.
All women have this natural protection, but some factors glamour party can unbalance the pH of the vagina, facilitating the emergence of infections, glamour party itching and discharge. To avoid such situation, it is necessary to have adequate personal hygiene, which should be done in the simplest way possible. In pharmacies you can find various brands of soaps for personal hygiene, but according to the gynecologist Antonio Julio Barbosa, Hospital Santa Catarina, São Paulo, none of this is necessary. These products perform glamour party the same functions as the protective bacteria, so just use a mild soap.
However, the lower the immune system that can affect the natural balance of the vaginal flora. Flu, little sleep or poor diet, for example, are factors that can affect the balance. Then, yes, harmful bacteria and fungi can take action. In such cases, the inner products are suitable glamour party because they lead lactic acid in the composition and helps to rebalance the vaginal pH.
For good personal hygiene is necessary, first, thoroughly wash the vulva during bathing, doing a cleanse with her fingers between her labia. Every time a woman urinating or evacuating, the best is to clean using a duchinha and then gently glamour party dry the area with a towel or toilet paper without odor. If you can not use this feature, you must use the toilet paper in the sense vulva-anus, ie, front to back, or unscented baby wipes, doing the same motion. You must avoid using creams, fragrances and powders, because they can cause irritations and do not assist in hygiene. The use of vaginal douches, used to clean the inside of the vagina is not recommended because it destroys glamour party the natural vaginal flora.
Sleeping without underwear also helps in intimate hygiene. The more ventilated the area, the less chance of proliferation of fungi and bacteria. The ideal is to avoid lingerie lycra or other synthetic fabrics, because in addition to having the potential to cause allergies, they heat the region. The cotton panties are the most recommended. Guards daily panties should be abolished, because it also stifle the region, leaving more hot and humid, and very tight pants. The use of condoms during sexual intercourse is also essential.
The adoption of simple measures such as these provide the perfect intimate hygiene. However, it is still some kind of discomfort or discharge appears different than usual, you need to see a gynecologist. This is a part of the female body that must be treated with care to ensure the health and well-being.
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New Series - ISSN 2182-147X Recent EARTH SHELTER | Évora | Roman Temple | 29/8, 22:00 The Fashion Mom - "Sit here António O 'City of Traditions summons the Alentejo region CITY OF TRADITIONS EARTH FESTIVAL 2014 - ALTERNATIVE FAIR Vanessa Winship ... Eating tomatoes reduces risk of cancer "THE MAYAN" JOHN BOTELHO ARRIVE AT CINEMA IN SEPTEMBER Subdivision to Bombar - Évora "Words wanderers" in Beja, opportunity glamour party to learn to tell stories and listen From Ukraine AlmaSoma to Brazil. Institute of Transpersonal | Activities Fair in September and October of Minerals, Gems and Fossils | Museum Quartz | 5, 6 and September 7 Heteropias | Exhibition Margarida Alves | Stag Room | Opening on September 4, 19:00 A Jazz Friday - Joaquim Baptista Lethes Theatre in September at the National - 157th Edition of the Bureau Art KGB reveals: Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler! Congratulations Telma Monteiro! New n'O Araibu Lo nuevo en Ciudad Letralia VALLEY Varosa | Monastery of Santa Maria de Salzedas | Invitation Concert Classical Guitar: Music - A Brief History of Musical Thought # 154 Western Journal of Classics Seminar on ArcGIS Online, this fourth (27/8 ) at 11am CALL TO TALK ABOUT NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF CAPE VERDE United Artists Newsletter Fine Flowers Dunes - and other new Wide Field of Presentation del libro "Treat it locura" Daniel Sans InComunidade Issue 25 Online Saturday, 30. will open at the National, by 19.30 hours, an exhibition of Joaquim Baptista - 157th edition of the Mesa Arts Programme Con

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Want to prepare in time for the cold days that will come? Here we have several liz jones you magazine adiantos Fashion Autumn Winter 2012, so you go updating your wardrobe for the coming season with the latest trends.
Model: Raisa Martin / Photographer: Andre Sanz The colors will be high in winter, making it more colorful and cheerful, many people think that the colors are only for the summer, but they are wrong winter has very pretty colors too, giving liz jones you magazine more life to this very cold season as fuchsia, neon, red, sky blue and other vibrant colors. Here's the trick!
Priscilla Campos Sanz Womenswear Goytacazes, Rio de Janiero, Brazil Hello everybody! liz jones you magazine The order decided to make a blog to cater to all kinds of audiences. Hope you like it, because everything we do is to meet you all with a touch of diversified quality! Here we will be posting fashion trends, tips and our beautiful looks. Stay connected girls! Facebook: Priscilla Sanz MF Fan Page: Priscilla Sanz Womenswear Kisses, * View my complete profile
Come see our showroom! We are open Monday to Saturday, for greater customer comfort, choosing and experiencing liz jones you magazine everything with PEACE OF MIND! This our answer option was OK between our clients, leaving satisfied !!! We work with EXCLUSIVE BRANDS IN THE REGION.
2013 (14) September (1) May (2) March (1) February (10) 2012 (40) October (10) September (13) August (2) July (15) ALTERNATIVE FASHION BAZAAR Some pieces that are on BAZAAR Come discover WINTER PROMOTION Fashion liz jones you magazine - Mullet liz jones you magazine Skirt Fashion Fitness Ladies Fashion by Juju Salimeni liz jones you magazine What is up! The NEON tone BACK WITH EVERYTHING! Now some options ACCESSORIES drives that ... Good afternoon girls, there are some looks MARY FL ... Summer Trends! Flora Maria Sanz Priscilla Winter 2012 Womenswear liz jones you magazine

Friday, August 29, 2014

Blog Archive

When "oiei" What the earth burning fire of St. John I "preguntei" the God of heaven, uai Why such judiação I always was demonstrating a tendency to rock, but I'm not rocker, I think I've said this in some post, I like good music and being a lover of good music does not have as I do not speak today of the centenary of the great musician Luiz Gonzaga, the king of the balloon. And even if I was only rocker, has a more rock and roll than he face? Born on a Friday the 13th in December 1912 and with lyrics that bristle. May be the taste for good music or the northeastern blood that runs in my veins, despite oz mall being born in Rio feel the blood inherited by my parents sometimes speak louder. The centenary of Luiz Gonzaga can not even go blank, he left a great legacy is his music. The Unidos da Tijuca honored the king of the balloon in its plot this year and as a king never loses the majesty, the school won the title more than deserved. Always oz mall live in our memory Luiz Gonzaga, the king of the balloon. Ate fifth! ^^
Taty 12/14/12
Hi, dear. That's cool you do such a tribute. oz mall Loved it even more that I'm Northeastern, right? The songs of Gonzaga are very intelligent, pure poetry. oz mall =) Kisses, ISIE Fernandes - Dai to ISIE Delete Reply
Hello! Meet the blog A blog dedicated to the dissemination of theoretical work and design practice. In it you will find e-books, e-comics, texts, events, and tips on drawing and comics. Grateful. Delete Reply
Hello! Hope to read before commenting. ^^ This is a democratic blog, in my opinion this explicit posts and are not to agree comigo.Esse comment space is to set your honest opinion. Never rebato comment, however I do not agree. (Unless you speak my mother there pega. the beast) Feel free!
7 hours ago
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

We look after you talk to Donna Tella talks too much more is not here to look at this photo Gay Bus

ouch Oh people is every thing that appears to me. this looks Gayzinha bread with egg, many people no longer knows she lives in Ubatuba is a dancer she loves being passive. As I am very bad'll talk a little bit of it. for women to be his mother know? I think you know who is not ashamed that your guy is taking pictures and still have the ability to put on orkut, I do not know how the people had still adds you think you know there is a girl what these people have to be crazy in the head .
We look after you talk to Donna Tella talks too much more is not here to look at this photo Gay Busao, what the people would not think that will be the time Gay will never be accepted that way neah you must first respect yourself then to be respected . Plastic that will make a face full of spine, dragon breath. 'm Donna Tella diratamente the Tenebrosa
Cruella Devil - Donnatela and Flora Beautiful, wonderful, yummy and totally confident you simply know all fagots bread with egg on the north coast and valley of paradise! and we are here to talk a pokinho all my love to you guys! View my complete profile

Come see our showroom! We are open Monday to Saturday, for greater customer comfort, choosing and e

Priscilla Campos Sanz Womenswear Goytacazes, Rio de Janiero, Brazil Hello everybody! The order decided to make a blog to cater to all kinds of audiences. Hope you like it, because everything we do is to meet you all with a touch of diversified quality! Here we will be posting fashion trends, tips and our beautiful looks. Stay connected girls! Facebook: Priscilla Sanz MF Fan Page: Priscilla Sanz Womenswear Kisses, * View my complete profile
Come see our showroom! We are open Monday to Saturday, for greater customer comfort, choosing and experiencing everything with PEACE OF MIND! This our answer option was OK between our clients, leaving satisfied guapos fair lakes !!! We work with EXCLUSIVE BRANDS IN THE REGION.
2013 (14) September (1) May (2) March (1) February (10) 2012 (40) October (10) September (13) Partnership SUCCESS Here's MARIA FLORA -EXCLUSIVIDADE Caveirismo THICK HEEL Stay alert girls, fashion guapos fair lakes PLUS SIZE COMING ..... chill coming ... FASHION SPIKES Jeans super colorful trend for Summer 2013 Tie Dye Shorts Be Welcome Spring! Fashion Fitness By JUJU Salimeni More news from "SUMMER 2013" A little more of SUMMER 2013 COLLECTION FOR YOU August (2) July (15)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

For women suffering from chronic or recurrent candidiasis using ointments may not be the solution,

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The antifungal pharmaceutical ointments are the best option for curing the female candidiasis or yeast infection because terry richardson kate moss they can eliminate the fungus Candida vaginal flora balance and without causing any side effects. How to use the ointment for female candidiasis
These antifungal ointments should be used daily during the 10 or 15 days and applied to the external and internal vaginal area. The use of the ointment should be maintained even after the symptoms have disappeared but with less frequency, for example once a week.
For women suffering from chronic or recurrent candidiasis using ointments may not be the solution, since usually the candida fungus becomes resistant to the drug. In these cases it is best to make a treatment terry richardson kate moss for candidiasis using baking soda to help balance the vaginal pH and thus restore the vaginal flora. Symptoms of candidiasis female
In our article we have seen vaginal candidiasis symptoms of this disease, however it never hurts to remember. terry richardson kate moss Symptoms of candidiasis are female: Appearance of white or yellow discharge; Discharge with bad odor; Vaginal itching; Painful urination; Burning urination; Bad vaginal odor; Redness around the vagina; Swelling around the vagina; The female terry richardson kate moss thrush is contagious?
Candidiasis not handle one person to another. It is an auto immune disease. When the immune system of the woman in this low or too weak fungi that live in the vagina are easier to multiply among these fungi is the fungus candida, which causes vaginal flora loses its natural balance. Therefore candidiasis is not contagious.
We do not know q have not yet been to a gynecologist a few days the vaginal part began with the first discharge, then itchy then appeared as if keloid and part of the vagina as if it were even kind impinge esbranquida itches too and q can be help me I'm very concerned terry richardson kate moss
Hello girls I need help I'm new too young, and the stench ta very strong, I'm dripping with transparent yellowish half, my boyfriend no longer cares I do feel a lot of shame gives the impression that you are a person who cares for you really need help!
loved this site, it is pretty straightforward and objective.
good diaeu already been several ginicologista spent several ointment, not solved anything more .eu'm stinking terry richardson kate moss horrible take bath after 20 minutes rises horrible fishy smell, I want a home treatment terry richardson kate moss for me to do at home, I have not amarelo.tenho runny nose braquinho more of a stench, eventually come to help me with this bad smell in my vagina sabonte use intimate take good care of my intimate part, do not understand why this has terry richardson kate moss smell helps comp
First of all, congratulations for the great article. Just have something to complement where you cite that female Thrush is not contagious. While not considered an STD, yes Candidiasis can be transmitted by sexual intercourse terry richardson kate moss with any partner, in addition to other transmissions such as contact with unhealthy regions and vertical transmission from mother to baby during childbirth.
One possible explanation for this is contact with a larger amount of the fungus in these types of transmission, like a "burden", terry richardson kate moss beyond the amount that is normally terry richardson kate moss in our body as fungal colonizers.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Illustration by Marcos Ferraz Grinspum Victor Zalma * The guest this month

Illustration by Marcos Ferraz Grinspum Victor Zalma * The guest this month's Disco Musician, Flora Poppovic is the female voice of the Pitanga em Pé Mulberry, São Paulo group that meets five very talented vanity fair photo booth young musicians and that should launch her second album this year . As the band has no battery, is Flora who also gives the pulse largely of songs, playing the percussion instruments he learned to "beat out" early. Credit: Camila Passos was precisely this facet of Flora percussionist I met first, before knowing she also had a beautiful voice. As from adolescence until a few years ago, for about a decade, she was a member of Batuntã, another group highlighted the São Paulo scene and that is very focused vanity fair photo booth on percussion instruments. Today she is also professor of percussion at Brincante Institute and Brincantinho (infant arm of the space created by Antonio Nobrega), which combines activity with rehearsals and concerts Pitanga. As well. After Tim Bernardes, Rashid, Bruna Caram and Gabriel Basile, the Flora is the fifth respondent of "Disco Musician" which each month brings an artist answering the same five questions about records and music videos that have marked their paths in music and in series lifetime. Disks and former or current, since childbirth vanity fair photo booth videos here of finding that good music never stops being produced. The idea of the series is to have, at the end of the process, a sort of disco / virtual library made by the musicians - of varying ages and fans of different styles - facing the public that wants to know more about the artists or even seeking suggestions of what see and hear. A Brazilian disc that marked his musical training
"Antonio Brasileiro" by Tom Jobim. Well, my mom is one of those that like when a disc gives play again as soon as it ends. And this was one that we heard thousands of times on repeat! I memorized every song and really wanted to be Maria Louisa, daughter of Tom singing with him on two tracks. Later, when I started vanity fair photo booth playing percussion and learn about the universe of Brazilian popular culture, charmed even more with this album that brought samba, bossa nova, jazz, ballad, maracatu, instrumental pieces and wonderful vanity fair photo booth poem set to music by Manuel Bandeira . Today I still hear it a lot, and I feel a journey through different landscapes ... This album brings me peace. A gringo disc that marked his musical training
"Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis. It took me a lot to hear gringos discs. Was best known only to 18 years, when I was introduced to "Kind of Blue". And it changed my life! I was in a phase of much instrumental music, listening to crying a lot, and this album dropped like a bomb! It was sublime! vanity fair photo booth It was calm and stormy, melancholy and made me happy ... Years later, vanity fair photo booth when I entered the Groove School of Music to study, this album was widely used in the classroom and to sing the bass line, do exercises with drumsticks, and the impossible vanity fair photo booth task of singing the solos on "All Blues". I fell in love even more! It was like I was meeting for the new cd, and even now I feel that has a lot of "hidden" thing on it to find out! This album is pure music! An album released in recent years that marked you deeply
"Come See" Vanessa Moreno and Fi Marostica, released vanity fair photo booth in 2013 Firstly, this album marked me for being extremely brave: the first is the solo careers of two young very talented and hard is a duo of bass and vocals. Bass and vocals? Yes. Impressive is how the two saw very well that tightrope. Vanessa with her beautiful interpretations leads us to places of extreme vanity fair photo booth tenderness and the other pure trickery. Echoes with many voices ... Anyway, does what she wants! It is a humdinger! And Fi is a fine bassist tract plays all the low possible, drumming vanity fair photo booth my ass off and still adorned with background singing on some tracks. The CD also features percussion, body percussion and vocals, and appearances by Chico Pinheiro, Rafael Alterio, Sergio vanity fair photo booth Santos and others. The arrangements are beautiful, creative and most unknown songs. It is an inspiring album! A video clip that marked their training Stomp Out Loud- Kitchen Stomp. Stomp has always been a reference for me !! The music is fully integrated into the movement, and always in instruments that are not instruments. vanity fair photo booth It unites music, sounds and mood research, ie: guaranteed fun. For a long time the Stomp was guiding the search for Batuntã group that I was part of the 14 to 24 years. This entire DVD fascinates me, but the video that I like most is that the kitchen, vanity fair photo booth all filmed in one plane only, without cuts, where things are happening and the music. Cut vegetables, dirty pans, grumpy boss, everything vanity fair photo booth turns sound !!! A video clip released in recent years that marked you deeply The Writting On the Wall's, Ok

Come see our showroom! We are open Monday to Saturday, for greater customer comfort, choosing and e

Priscilla Campos Sanz Womenswear Goytacazes, Rio de Janiero, Brazil Hello everybody! magazine readership statistics The order decided to make a blog to cater to all kinds of audiences. Hope you like it, because everything we do is to meet you all with a touch of diversified quality! Here we will be posting fashion trends, magazine readership statistics tips and our beautiful looks. Stay connected girls! Facebook: Priscilla Sanz MF Fan Page: Priscilla Sanz Womenswear Kisses, * View my complete profile
Come see our showroom! We are open Monday to Saturday, for greater customer comfort, choosing and experiencing everything with PEACE OF MIND! This our answer option was OK between our clients, leaving satisfied !!! We work with EXCLUSIVE BRANDS IN THE REGION.
2013 (14) September (1) Maria Flora Collection Summer 2014 May (2) March (1) February (10) 2012 (40) October (10) September (13) August magazine readership statistics (2) July (15)

Monday, August 25, 2014

beauty blue black Blanco blog Handbag White Brazil hair shirt Chanel enamel europe festival flowers

Today I came to show you a new acquisition, but as a tip for anyone who is looking ginza bairin for a new perfume. Does little gift I won this wonderful scent, which, besides being beautiful, has an amazing smell ... It smells of those that are difficult to explain? kkk I advise you to seek and prove it, will love it! I think this is the first fragrance from Gucci that I really like, others thought too "heavy" for my taste ... But this goes to the favorites ginza bairin list, no doubt!
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blogroll National Health Surveillance Agency Brazilian Association of Family, Friends and Patients

Taking dr glamour care of the intestinal flora prevents cellulite | Women's Health
Any doubt or restlessness rant about women's health, send an email to weruska.goeking [at] gmail [dot] com Recent Posts lymphatic drainage during pregnancy Activities and free mammogram at Ibirapuera Free Psychotherapy for mourners Consultations and free examinations for lawyers, trainees and lawyers wives All about varicose Archives Select Month October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 357.377 people were here ...
The intestinal flora is a colony of bacteria fundamental to human life. They lie within the intestinal tract and its primary function is to aid the digestion of food. They also serve to prevent the proliferation of harmful agents to the body (other fungi, protozoa) by masking them because they are more in number.
Thus, it is clear the importance of preserving the well balanced intestinal flora. When this happens, the toxins produced by bacteria and fungi aggressors come in contact with the body's cells. Several diseases occur in this situation. Metabolic disorders, depression, anxiety, loss of libido, infertility are just a few examples.
Women who bother much with cellulite should also know that the health of the intestinal flora may be related. This is because the overloaded with liver toxins, circulatory and lymphatic systems are also extrapolated account is the result of cellulite.
To avoid all this, the power is fundamental. It is important to eat good amounts of soluble fiber, which we call prebiotics, found in oats, wheat, barley, for example. Already in cases of poor flora, the consumption of probiotics, as some yogurts available on the market, helps replenish the beneficial bacteria.
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Blogroll National Health Surveillance Agency Brazilian Association of Family, Friends and Patients with Affective Disorders dr glamour Brazilian Association of Nutrition Brazilian Association of Eating dr glamour Disorders dr glamour Brazilian Association of Cancer Virtual Library Virtual Health Library Health Science for a healthy life science, environment and related Foundation Pro-Sangue Global Fund for Cancer Research transfusion centers throughout the country American Institute dr glamour for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute Lablogatorios Ministry of Health random Papo National STD / AIDS Brazilian Diabetes Society Brazilian Society dr glamour of Urology
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Follows a sequence of images related to the pleasure of experiencing the new Flora, images like the

"It gives you a crack" - is the invitation terry richardson photography of the new Flora, which now features even more tasty with its new recipe with milk Azores. The latest advertising campaign for Flora, which will be on air from today, presents an innovative image and the new brand signature - "melts you." Now, consumers can see it with a fresh pack, two new formats and with an intense flavor thinking of the fans of butter.
The announcement of 20 ', which can be seen on generalist and cable channels, has as its central concept the double meaning of the word Flora - that could simultaneously be the name of a female figure that makes men dream ... This pun full of impudence and Flora mood gives the brand a unique communication within the category.
The advertising film begins with the presentation of the new packaging of Flora - in brown tones, evoking a rustic, handmade terry richardson photography universe. The logo features a distinctive type of lettering, which highlights "Flora" and the new signature "melts you!", A set of cutouts between white and brown background.
Follows a sequence of images related to the pleasure of experiencing the new Flora, images like the touch of the knife slipping, the only sound to cut freshly baked bread and, finally, the unmistakable smell of Flora to melt a slice of bread hot, always accompanied terry richardson photography by a male voice that will dropping interjections and sighing "... hummm Flora, Flora ...".
The following terry richardson photography plans are in a double room, and show a female figure, surprised with his better half to even dream of such "Flora" ... It is then that question "Flora !? But who is Flora? ", A typical scene of jealousy and betrayal, furious at what her husband would be dreaming. The story ends with a real rage by the female character and the mirrored panic in the man's face, possibly depicting a scenario that all men are afraid to face in real life ...
"We are very excited about this revival of Flora. The aim of the campaign is primarily appeal to the senses, making irresistible the urge to try the new flavor of Flora. We wanted to do it in a fun, relaxed and even with a "spicy" slight, with a few surprises that we can see throughout the campaign and breaking a little with the standard form of this market. terry richardson photography Let's also take this campaign to the point of sale, where the new packaging will have a prominent role. Finally, terry richardson photography the decisive test which is at home consumers, we believe terry richardson photography that the intense flavor Butter terry richardson photography Plant, resulting in new revenue from the milk Azores, will conquer the most demanding connoisseurs, "says Luís Gomes, Flora Brand Manager.
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dexter debut in theater with

In the male territory that is the Brazilian rap, it is not uncommon for a woman chanting rhymes. And Flora Matos appears as a promising name. The MC of 21 years participated in The Game Is Today (2008) mixtape with musical direction by Ice Blue and Mano Brown (Racionais Mc's), accompanied with his rhymes major DJs rap and has been performing with the Institute band in which has sung the rapper Sabotage, one of the largest national exponents of the genre, who died in 2003 of acute flees Flora Negra Li and does not reach the harsh tone of Nega Gizza. khatwa Live, impresses with its breathtaking splicing and different verses taken with singing. - My music goes beyond rap, but he is always present - says. Flora grew up in Brasilia, doing backing vocals for her father, the musician Renato Matos. At age 14, he attended a show of Rational. - That's when I got involved with rap. Began attending battles rhymes Rio, where it is not common to have women, "but I came to win either. '' In another presentation of the Rationals, in Belo Horizonte, made one of the shows in the evening, before the group. - The crowd screaming, wanting me to leave before I got to listen to me the most excited guy in the audience and I was rhyming for him -. remember rhymes Flora earned praise from KL Jay, DJ of the Rationals, and an invitation two years. then to record a remix produced by him. Brasilia khatwa MC exchanged by St. Paul. In the city began tracking as DJs Primo, King, and KL Jay, with a pocket show during their discotecagens. Dali, spawned a track on mixtape The Game Is Today - the only woman compilation - and ended up on stage with the Institute paths open in rap, promises his solo album for 2010 By clicRBS.
This is already the seventh edition of the anthology "From the periphery to the net, From the net to the periphery", this edition is one of the most democratic, khatwa most content in the lyrics and great production in Beats. In this issue besides rappers Brazil have one of Angola khatwa and Mozambique 2. And as usual are all independent artist and they are on runs of rap without being tied to stereotypes and standards imposed. khatwa
Dexter debut in theater with "Wizarding World of Ooohs!"
11 hours ago
11 months ago
"Tired of being eco, I became the voice" To Honor One's Min Interview One of the Underground Rapper More Ideological Angola Together At Rapper Mck, this Entevista he speaks sorbre Your Career, Musical Influences, Favorite Rappers, Beffs, Underground Vs Commercial, khatwa Kuduro, Future Projects Among Other cositas more.
"Eva began making battles in 2000 and little ... Is that your school. Started on the street, where competition and combative rhyme always been your encouragement. Was precisely the improvisation that built its space rap in Portugal, proving khatwa to everyone that his spontaneity is your higher power and what defines it as Mc. With some freestyle videos on the net creates a buzz unprecedented, grabbing fans inside and outside of Hip Hop and seducing everyone with its straightforwardness, claw and determined voice. Eventually starts to develop writing, participating in albums and mixtapes, without losing khatwa the charisma and the intuitive force that led to battles. khatwa
About The Earth speaks his first experience in music, on reading about his participation khatwa "Astros" program on SBT on its unusual mode of creation, About rincha between the old school and the new, future projects and more.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

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By Anselmo Moura Despite being the leading contender fabio chizzola to be the candidate for vice-mayor of Teresina in the ticket fabio chizzola headed by Senator Wellington Dias, Deputy Cicero Magellan must beat competition from fellow Legislative Assembly Plant Izabel. Parliamentary promises strong entering the race for the nomination for the former deputy governor of the state. The MP has the support of the women's wing of the Labor Party that defends the appointment of a woman to compose the plate Wellington Dias. Information is the secretary fabio chizzola of the Women PT, Patricia Amalia. "We support Mrs Flora Isabel as vice presidential candidate on the ticket of Senator Wellington. We understand that a woman deserves more space in Teresina and Flora as vice will represent all the women of our party, "said Patricia Amalia by telephone to Portal AZ. The secretary also confirmed that it will vote for Flora Isabel and that despite the party workers have multiple chains in Teresina, the trend is that in meeting this Thursday (28) to reach a consensus on what is best for the PT .
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

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Bar Library Club House show house Cultural Center Convention Center CEU Educational Center Cinema Clinic Club College Station Road Studio Gallery Hospital Hostel Hub Church Institute and Foundation Book Store Market Hall Museum Subway NGO Stage Turn Point Cultural Park Planetarium Reading Town Hall Square Landmark Restaurant / SESC Bar Soiree Shopping Theatre University
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Has partnered with the Institute, Kl Jay Dj, Dj Cia, Lx Dj, Dj King, Mano Brown and Ice Blue. Watch the video for the song "Pretin" withdrawal mixtape "Flora Matos vs Stereodubs":
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Players began to return in another run.

Eric - Ai jogging (Eric Lee) Spider personal mood diary, participate in various cosmpolitan magazine events / activities / travel / volunteer activities / social cosmpolitan magazine enterprise / life .... etc., and record the various bits and pieces with text photo mood .. Let your life .... more recollections + leaving more memory to run slowly, peace is the champion finished the race (run charity! run health! run happy!) focus on the process of obtaining non-focus show off, take impartial analysis of the way, the facts presented, cosmpolitan magazine so that more friends who are interested can refer to run. Through the butterfly effect, cosmpolitan magazine which allows the charity road race mentality slowly affecting people around cosmpolitan magazine them. Eric - Ai jogging (Eric Lee) log message Friend Card Album video shots started not long after the run were traffic jams on the first walking event, I did not run much faster on the first go slowly with everybody together, about 1.5KM began to have poor distance brochures official website link to download the application form download Introduction This event is organized by New Taipei triple District Sports Association organized physical response cosmpolitan magazine to national development policies, hoping to enhance the casual atmosphere, reaching cosmpolitan magazine everyone loves sports, and always be sports, cosmpolitan magazine everywhere can exercise a healthy lifestyle, cosmpolitan magazine promote universal physical and spiritual health.
The Sports Park is really big (there are a lot of personnel movement). Road race more people, I almost could not run a two laps to go together look.
(This two animals also very happy to play, but fortunately, there are lamb tied up, otherwise it will play even more crazy).
Long road race winding cosmpolitan magazine queues all the way down.
Players began to return in another run.
Wife and kids ultra moved together to participate.
================================================== =================
(2013 annual road race clothing finishing) have participated in the 2012 road race fitted clothes (popular road race) 2014-10-05 (Japan) 2014 New Balance cosmpolitan magazine Zoo road race (to participate cosmpolitan magazine in the road race) 2014-10-18 (Japan) cosmpolitan magazine 2014 China right road race (volunteer activities) 2014-08-01 2014 Special Olympics basketball camp Superintendent cosmpolitan magazine great fusion cosmpolitan magazine (hot road race) 2014-11-16 (Japan) 2014 gathered in New Taipei Road Running Race Plus (participation road race) 2014 -10-26 (Japan) "2014 health and vitality, sports Taipei" Taipei City Cat empty road race, vigorous activity (participation road race) 2014-09-20 (six), New Taipei City 103 years of industrial safety Cup road race events (participation road race ) 2014-09-14 (Japan) 2014 Taiwan Seiko city road race season (to participate in the road race) 2014-11-09 (Japan) Third Tanaka Marathon (participating in road race) 2014-09-21 (Japan) 2014 Copper Monkey Railway nostalgia road race (to participate in the road race) 2014-07-06 (Japan) 2014 National Community Cup Championship jogging

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cordially production and research sectors officer come to the venue, to witness more than 100 team

National Technological University and College students practice making competition-cum-exhibition of achievements feature 103 annual moda casual 2011 leave Kaohsiung International Conference Center debut in 103 years May 22 to 24 (Thursday through moda casual 2011 Saturday), more than a thousand pieces from across the technological colleges, moda casual 2011 belong 16 taxa show patterns of creative works will compete for awards entity, nearly a hundred experts invited to participate in the selection. After fierce preliminaries, 144 outstanding works from the 1,607 pieces of registration entries stand out, work areas covered include: mechanical and power machinery, motor type, owned industrial communications, chemical moda casual 2011 materials, civil engineering and architecture, business, management, housekeeping meal Brigade food, care and Early Childhood, agricultural biotech medicine, fashion, industrial design, commercial design, animation and interactive multimedia, publishing and language 16 taxa and Entrepreneurship Award, will be the final entity type display.
Cordially production and research sectors officer come to the venue, to witness more than 100 team after a year of effort, and unique creativity, solid practical skills and impeccable teamwork; entity scene show that the students are wonderful marketing and presentation skills multi-oriented capabilities, fully consistent vocational moda casual 2011 college education goals they show, as well as the functions of the job market requirements. During this contest will invite industry to take part, the venue and provided with matchmaking area, hoping to students' moda casual 2011 creativity moda casual 2011 and the ability moda casual 2011 to import industry, so that a piece of work have the opportunity to become the embodiment of everyday life can actually use goods and technology, and allow manufacturers to have the opportunity to explore the creative works and talents. Look forward to the construction of production by this matchmaking platform for the exchange of learning and guide teachers and students moda casual 2011 close to the industry, and enterprise integration.
For more sectors nationwide vocational college students practice making competition-cum-exhibition of achievements topics relevant information, please Path to Industry Cooperation, Ministry of Education Information Network aspx inquiries, or phone contact case Sponsor: moda casual 2011 Ministry of Education Regional Industrial Cooperation Center - National Pingtung University of Science and Technology High Jingya commissioner, commissioner Laixian Wen, Xu Yaru Commissioner, Tel: (08) 7703202 # 6570,6574,6053 (0963027940, 0921583257,0987359010).
Ministry of Education to encourage vocational college students to actively engage in substantive topics production, cultivate innovative thinking, the ability to enhance academic research and practical development of skills, and reward merit practical feature production results, played vocational education characteristics, organized "since 2002 National Technological University and College students moda casual 2011 practice moda casual 2011 making contest theme, "This year is the 13th out. The contest over the years in technological colleges to implement the established reputation and become vocational college students in mind an important indicator moda casual 2011 of national competitions, participating enthusiastically. National Technological University and College students practice making competition-cum-exhibition of achievements moda casual 2011 feature 103 annual leave Kaohsiung International Conference Center debut in 103 years May 22 to 24 (Thursday moda casual 2011 through Saturday), more than a thousand pieces from across the technological colleges, belong 16 taxa show patterns of creative works will compete for awards entity, nearly a hundred experts invited to participate in the selection. After fierce preliminaries, 144 outstanding works from the 1,607 pieces of registration entries stand out, work areas covered include: mechanical and power machinery, motor type, owned industrial communications, chemical materials, civil engineering and architecture, business, management, housekeeping meal Brigade moda casual 2011 food, care and Early Childhood, agricultural biotech medicine, fashion, industrial design, commercial design, animation and interactive multimedia, publishing and language 16 taxa and Entrepreneurship Award, will be the final entity type display. In addition to the spirit of the contest to encourage students to practice the topic of production, the establishment of basic thematic moda casual 2011 research capabilities, and by the opportunity to publicly display of hope, inviting business people to watch, open search platform built fabric technology and talent flow of goods, catalytic production of learning moda casual 2011 media cooperation opportunities; fore winning awards moda casual 2011 provide students with employment and further studies advantage overweight, vocational college students are actively seeking the annual contest. Many innovative ideas with potential commercial value, will personally explained by the creation of the student showcase, lively and vividly the meaning and value of the works displayed in front of everyone, while entities with different creative works on display, wonderful moda casual 2011 can be expected. Cordially production and research moda casual 2011 sectors officer come to the venue, to witness more than 100 team after a year of effort, and unique creativity, solid practical skills and impeccable teamwork; entity scene show that the students are wonderful marketing and presentation skills multi-oriented capabilities, fully consistent vocational college education goals they show, as well as the functions of the job market requirements. During this contest will invite industry to take part, the venue and provided with matchmaking area, hoping to students' creativity and the ability to import industry, so that a piece of work have the opportunity to become the embodiment of everyday life can actually use goods and technology, and allow manufacturers to have the opportunity to explore the creative works and talents. Look forward to the construction of production by this matchmaking platform for the exchange of learning and guide teachers and students close to the industry, and enterprise integration. For more sectors nationwide vocational college students practice making competition-cum-exhibition of achievements topics relevant information, please Path to Industry Cooperation, Ministry of Education Information Network moda casual 2011 aspx inquiries, or phone contact case Sponsor: Ministry of Education Regional Industrial Cooperation moda casual 2011 Center - National Pingtung moda casual 2011 University of Science and Technology High Jingya commissioner, commissioner Laixian Wen, Xu Yaru Commissioner, moda casual 2011 Tel: (08) 7703202 # 6570,6574,6053 (0963027940, 0921583257,0987359010).
Blog Recommended: 62 Level: 7:00 read Popularity: 375,393 The Popularity: 109 Article moda casual 2011 Writing: 259 Album: 6
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Monday, August 18, 2014

Second, the modernization of teacher education law to develop, enhance and protect the interests of

Second, each student with a good (Development of Education had just been adaptive): including the reform of curriculum and instruction, reduce school size and class size, the implementation of school self-management, self-generated khatwa power to stimulate the intrinsic school to help each student has a basic scholastic ability, establish remedial teaching system, strengthen the pluralistic approach to provide career counseling, tutoring student behavior rebuilding the new system to enhance physical and psychological barriers to education, emphasis on aboriginal education, the implementation of gender equality in education, protect the quality of early childhood education and so on.
(A) a sound national education: to clarify the central and local responsibilities, assist local autonomy; junior reduce class size, and enhance the effectiveness of teaching in small classes; innovative curriculum and teaching materials; apply remedial teaching. (B) universal preschool education: including increased year-old child admission rate of 80%; enriched preschool programs, activities and equipment; administrative functions to enhance early childhood education, supervision and counseling performance; amended regulations khatwa preschool, preschool teachers to improve standards and so on. (C) improve teacher education and teacher training system: including the establishment of pluralistic khatwa teacher education system, khatwa improve teacher training institutions and organizations and functions; implement internships and function; establish teacher lifelong learning system. (D) promote vocational education and refined diversification: including the establishment of technical and vocational education system and flexible educational system consistently; khatwa expanded to handle comprehensive high school; improve the quality of technical and vocational education; implement occupational license system. (E) the pursuit of excellence in higher education development: including khatwa the strengthening of the supporting measures to enhance the university level, the development of institutions of higher learning distinctive; khatwa apply for Private Universities and Colleges award grants; handle the overall development of technological colleges award grants; correction <University Law>; Set Higher Committee deliberations and so on. (F) to promote lifelong education and information networks: including the establishment of lifelong education law; train people for lifelong learning philosophy; Integration lifelong education system; classes in schools at all levels with lifelong education reform; establish reflux education; increase lifelong learning opportunities; sound lifelong education teachers, improved curriculum khatwa materials and teaching methods; strengthen social education institutions function; strengthen information and education network. (Seven) extended family education: including the establishment of family education law; advocacy of family education philosophy; establish a complete system of family education; improve family education staff competency; khatwa develop good family education curriculum, textbooks and teaching methods and so on. (Eight) to strengthen education of students with disabilities: including khatwa the establishment of special education students' multiple placement facilities; strengthen special khatwa education professional counseling function; improve the detection rate for children with disabilities; strengthen the provision of schooling for children with disabilities and other special education ancillary support. (Ix) strengthening Aboriginal Student Education: including the establishment of Aboriginal education system; improve Aboriginal education teacher training, appointment and training; establish aboriginal student life and education counseling system; strengthen Aboriginal curriculum and instruction; improve Aboriginal school education facilities standards; extended Aboriginal parenting khatwa education and social education. (Ten) flow studies khatwa pipeline include: the expansion of university schooling opportunities to build diverse university entrance system elasticity; implementation of high school admissions program; moderate increase enrollment capacity, promote khatwa vocational college admissions programs. (Xi) the establishment of student counseling new system include: the establishment of education, training, counseling and auxiliary integrate the new system; khatwa combination of social volunteers and retired teachers to promote discipline and guidance work; strengthen counseling khatwa students and junior high school drop-outs; establish work discipline and guidance counseling network . (Xii) to enrich and enhance education funding for education research: the proportion of education funding, including research provides: planning to set up the National Institutes of education.
Second, the modernization of teacher education law to develop, enhance and protect the interests of professional autonomy of teachers. President Selection System implementation, teachers and parents khatwa get a chance to participate in the selection khatwa of jobs, expanding participation in school management level. Deregulation of education, the promotion of democracy on campus. Multiple teacher training, the establishment of the university entrance diverse pipeline of high school, people open textbook series, diversified correspondence education. Junior curriculum reform emphasizes the integrated curriculum, coherent, student learning needs for the purpose. Compared to a decade ago, the educational content more rich and diverse. Due to diversification, deregulation education educational content, faculty, curriculum, textbooks lively presentation style, the concept of pluralistic values in the education system gradually be respected.
Fourth, the establishment of the Ministry of Education Lifelong Learning Society published "Towards the learning society," the White Paper, set "promotion of lifelong learning, a learning society," medium-range khatwa plan, and actively khatwa promote the lifelong learning programs, including: construction of lifelong learning resource site, promoting reading activities to promote universal learning a foreign language, to construct a learning organization - "learning social education institutions", "learning communities", "learning enterprise", "extended learning families" programs, etc., so that a variety of learning opportunities popularity in people's daily lives. The concept of lifelong learning is also deeply affect the campus, a large amount of school will "construct schools become learning organizations" provide vision for the school, khatwa teacher education has become a habit; self-learning ability of students to develop their potential, has become the new century, widespread been recognized educational ideals. Counties and cities to flourish "community college" is particularly noteworthy, from 87 to 92 years of a 66-year; has reached thousands of people over 92 years of students, provide lifelong learning the most important places for community residents , to enhance khatwa the overall quality of the people, does have its effectiveness and status. On the other hand, the government set up in various places wide museums, cultural centers, Social Education Center, increase the number of non-governmental organizations engaged in educational activities Foundation, have greatly increased khatwa the quality and quantity of public education. All of the above places of lifelong learning is expected to continue to grow, so that Taiwan gradually towards lifelong learning society.
A diploma and academic pressure doctrine Taiwan villain still thick, survive competitive pressure. Traditional "diploma-oriented" values khatwa are still deeply rooted in the people, education doctrine khatwa still affect the normal development of school education. In the past the government to the National Economic Planning and Development-oriented, supply and demand control of education, khatwa public khatwa education needs can not be met. After <Education Basic> formulation, "education" is a fundamental human right, the value of education subjectivity increasing attention, high school, college is no longer limited by the number of social costs need to expand the number of students is an inevitable trend to higher education from traditional elite education is gradually transformed into popular education. The former Ministry of Education hopes to establish more high schools and universities to relieve the pressure of school students to meet the needs of people expect to receive education, because some of the problems derived from the implementation process, and subject to strong criticism of society: (a) preferred mechanism has not been established wide and eliminating the inferior khatwa high schools and universities to implement the policy in terms of quantity, but uneven quality khatwa schools, failed to meet the expectations of parents and students. Open education market, had to play through the market mechanism regulating the function, but the domestic open process, clearly not at the same time establish free competition, merit-based system and eliminating the inferior. Since the system does not implement educational evaluation, the school mismanaged schools still exist, the lack of an open and free competition in the market in order to maintain the high quality khatwa of the performance, schools varies greatly, competitive pressure is still there. (B) the recognition of diplomas social value has yet to be improving people's deep-rooted awareness of the value of a diploma, to accept higher return on investment, deposit with high expectations. With the continued expansion of the number of higher education, the overall return on investment efficiency decreases, because people look forward to with the fact that a large gap, then trigger the education reform discontent. (C) the dilution of educational resources, although in recent years, government investment in higher education funding continues khatwa to increase, but nowhere near the magnitude of the increase in the number of higher education expansion. Since the concept khatwa of domestic resource allocation head higher level is not broken, leading to serious dilution of educational resources, universities get fewer and fewer government subsidies under the financial situation was not good, deeply influenced enhance the quality of higher khatwa education. (Iv) failure to clarify the diverse patterns khatwa of higher education popularization of higher education institutions, the higher education institutions in the functional distinction must be before they can develop their character, strengthen educational function. But apparently due to domestic factors regulations, institutional, conservative ideas, such as the impact of the development of diverse types of higher education institutions, the progress is very slow pace. Especially technological colleges khatwa upgraded restructuring quickly, no quality improvement, its positioning is becoming increasingly blurred, is a pity. (Five) imbalance in the distribution of public and private high schools and universities over the past decade, the number of public high schools from 99 school increased to 166 schools, private high schools increased to 136 from 100 university and high school students in school, attending public schools, but the ratio From 69% to 66%. College or university over the past decade increased by 88 schools, of which the vast majority khatwa of the increase in private schools (an increase of 66 schools), college or university students in school, studying the ratio of public universities, from 46% down to 32%. The increase is evident in the past mainly private schools, public and private schools unequal distribution of resources in the country, under the tuition gap between the very large phenomenon, parents and students still gain access to the public schools as a priority volunteer; therefore, the number of private schools substantial amplification, to alleviate the academic pressure can play useful khatwa quite limited. Due to the uneven distribution of educational resources, the development gap between public and private schools, the quality of education 良窳 have factors do not wait. Although many schools, students still want to squeeze educational merit of the school; so that though the government tried to expand educational opportunities, the country still can not effectively relieve academic pressure.
(A) nine-year curriculum in the country to promote the small nine-year curriculum, consistent with the original intent of emphasis on integrated curriculum, contributed to professional dialogue between teachers and change the past Polyclinic too small, lack of student learning is divided, khatwa no longer teaching ease of thinking, I hope the students ability to take away, rather than for the exam while reciting knowledge, this direction is correct, but the deviation of enforcement, and indeed have some questions: 1. curriculum development without khatwa a long-term research and implementation of nine-year course of the experiment, is a major curriculum change, this should be the basis of qualitative research to do, and after the experiment at full implementation. But the development of the nine-year syllabus, rely solely on the task group's committee wrote, consideration will inevitably be omissions. And look forward to the parties under the compression of the period of the experiment, khatwa rapid full implementation will inevitably numerous problems. In addition, khatwa the results of the textbook market liberalization, although making the students varied, but good and bad versions of textbooks, the school of "more than one outline this" khatwa phenomenon has yet to be adapted, khatwa textbooks and reference books parents expenditures also increased; these phenomena exist, have increased criticism of. 2 Normal University hospital professionals involved inadequate curriculum planning process to subject experts and expert opinions based curriculum, teacher khatwa and universities to participate in the reform of education professionals, is obviously insufficient, the policy-making process has not been fully respected. Promote the reform of education failed to obtain professional assistance, over the ideal of planning, ignoring cooperate with the actual conditions of education. 3. implementation process too impatient, yet comprehensive supporting measures the height of expectations for the course because of social reform, promoting Shi schedule too impatient, simultaneous implementation of the second year of implementation in a small country, one, two, four-year and junior first grade. Textbook editing rush, teacher training less, teacher training failed to catch up the pace of the new curriculum, the real difficulty is reflected grassroots failed and so naturally many dissatisfied voices.
(B) admissions program last single with "exam" scores as the sole basis for further studies optional volunteer, ignoring students' multiple intelligences, already do not meet the educational adaptive development. Even school entrance khatwa exams and distorted due to the normal development of education, the community has to have a strong criticism. Admissions program was originally driven by a high degree of consensus in society and expectations. However, due to some problems generated during the operation, there actually khatwa look forward to the revival of traditional social exam proposition reason: 1 design complexity, lack of university admissions programs implemented advocacy khatwa ninety one school year, enrollment pipeline includes: Recommended Selection , apply for admission, examination distribution. Admission optional voluntary way points A, B, C three cases, the results are taken into account in different ways. As part of the school for students and parents not fully explained advocacy, as well as parents lack the experience under admissions case, it is difficult to understand khatwa such a complicated system, naturally prone to doubt. 2 ignore people on hold highly ambitious studies the habits of admissions of the original intent of the pipeline is to provide multiple learning to enable students to choose their own entrance way, but ignored the people on their studies embrace the habits of highly khatwa ambitious, will be treated as riding diploma the first step to a successful society, so most candidates do not want to give up any kind of pipe design diverse selection of candidates have become a burden. The star college choice for students living in a more favorable position khatwa on the pipeline to take the most stringent admissions requirements (including test subjects increased, more stringent recommendation track conditions, etc.), the joint causes students to meet these stringent conditions to deepen the level of competition, so that the original intent of "diversity" system failed to play. 3 recommendation track, apply for admission to the fairness of the people questioned the fairness of the request for enrollment is still stuck in the traditional concept of "writing test", for the subjectivity slightly stronger "port test" or "interview" often do not trust, and Some schools in the process of applying for admission recommended screening test or a job, too closed, rash, ignoring the social fairness of the audition process expectations, caused by allowing parents to apply for admission to the recommended screening test and produce a lot of suspicion. This depends on the school operating procedures more transparent, to recognize outstanding students should bother to make a fair assessment indicators in order to reach DU lengthy. 4. system located upstream of schools participating

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Second, the basic spirit of the learning organization American Senge (Peter Senge) from 1978 onward

Second, the basic spirit of the learning organization American Senge (Peter Senge) from 1978 onwards, a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology that combines the work of partners and the business andre leon community, working on system dynamics and the overall dynamic mix of new concepts of management, rather conceptual development of the organization andre leon and management: the Discipline Learning Organization. As for how to move towards a learning organization, Senge offers five practitioners in 1990, but publication of the book The Fifth Discipline, to power systems thinking as a learning organization the basic scaffolding, together with the remaining four core practitioners: self-transcendence improving mental models, building shared vision, andre leon team learning through them. The members of the organization can grasp tissue growth and decline of life, that members of the organization andre leon continue to release potential, develop a new culture of innovation in interactive learning school.
(C) the establishment of a common vision (Building Shared Vision): The traditional organizations, individuals no vision, only passive obedience leadership, members of the long run, the organization formed passive, closed without thinking individuals, the formation of this organization is no vision of the future, This organization is dangerous. According to Senge's opinion, the best vision for the core of power from those who are not individuals, or many sectors andre leon surging out of the most interactive and robust. Experience tells us that the true vision of the organization to be able to coexist, is through constant conversation, personal andre leon freedom of expression in the dream, and the dream of learning to listen to others, and gradually integrate better ideas, sharing andre leon the vision of the process, the formation of the organization internalized a common vision.
Five, high-quality leadership culture: a new generation of school leaders learning organization is a designer, mobilizing and organizing the labor participation, coordination and communication, brainstorming; was a pilot, control the direction of the organization toward the vision; was a engineer, added firepower, encouraging promoters Groupmark toward organizational objectives; andre leon was a faithful servant, devoted to the development of the organization of the living body for the blog, and can say that the mission of the story artists, can declare, said the organization's core values and mission, and can integrate external resources within the organization. In this leadership culture through the organization continues to experiment, improve, seek to design a new program of action, members of the regular depth dialogue, encouraging alternative thinking, so that the organization vibrant, clear vision, goals clear.
Organizational culture (a) the existing andre leon school, is not conducive to learning and dialogue.
Second, the establishment of participatory teaching visual guide function: In addition to comprehensive management school principals, a more important role, as the guide who is teaching, this visual guide non-teaching distance past there to observe, but the actual participation of teachers teaching activities. Usually directly into the classroom management, to discuss with the teacher teaching gage, teaching strategies, joint development of teaching programs, re-entering the classroom observation and teaching activities in the field to give the teachers have their own growth plans. According to the teaching of canonical teacher, constantly remind their teaching methods; after a period of time to observe, and then feedback to improve teaching effectiveness of teachers.
Third, the establishment of a common vision for education specialization: Today at improving the level of education, educational everybody talks, and each person has their own idea of education, so one person, one righteous, ten ten righteous people, teachers move is too blame. The reason is that teaching is consistent fill pressure, scripted, as long as there is a certain knowledge of who everyone can as a teacher. In a wide range of current teacher education, teacher abundant oversupply of school they can based on the needs of development, Zhen recruited personnel, for example: IT personnel, special education personnel, English talent, physical education teachers ...... and so on, so that the future of education specialization specific direction. Annual study provides encouraging teachers' professional growth plan teachers' self ', the research reading andre leon books, computer literacy, curriculum integration, andre leon leisure andre leon activities. ... Etc., as their lifelong learning goals of the plan to establish the vision of the teaching profession.
Thanks bullying - an updated version of the record summer of 2014 Nantou Taiwan era village - they both can not imagine a small country in the teachers' professional standards and professional performance andre leon indicators elementary school beauty - Hualien County Matsuura Elementary School andre leon and cut and school - and Junior High School The integration of the development of media literacy education policy White Paper Taiwan Taoyuan chocolate Republic - crowded andre leon experience Ilan Farm - celebrating Mother's Day Tour 2014 media literacy (literacy) (media literacy) Professor Zheng Chongchen andre leon education business school: Six says Seven little, andre leon eight to green building, smart buildings and wisdom with Ilan Green Building Tour (Sports Park, vanilla Fifi, Luo Dongwen andre leon chemical field) school career andre leon development education from the change (change from within) to promote the concept andre leon and planning

Implementation of adult basic education, mainly as seen on tv venezuela based on the Constitution H

Promote lifelong learning, constructivism learning society has become national improve the quality, the only way to enhance as seen on tv venezuela national competitiveness. Thus the meeting for lifelong learning and learning social issues raised six children issues, namely: a, complete lifelong learning system, the promotion of universal learning participation; two, sophisticated lifelong learning action strategies, create a learning society; Third, strengthen the elderly learning, coping the advent as seen on tv venezuela of an aging society; four, roots community learning, enhance community college functions; as seen on tv venezuela five, promotion and the return of adult basic education, deepen key capabilities and competitiveness; as seen on tv venezuela six, strengthen family education, family education play functionality. Meanwhile, as seen on tv venezuela the current situation for a description as seen on tv venezuela of each sub-topic, problem analysis, conclusions cum Recommendations, Comments, hereby :( be summarized as the Eighth National Conference on Education, 2010b)
The concept of lifelong learning, our country since ancient times, lifelong learning systematic as seen on tv venezuela trend line ran from Western society, especially UNESCO advocate 一 九七 's, have a significant impact on the promotion of lifelong learning in modern China. Our promotion as seen on tv venezuela of lifelong learning, the most specific period of the late twentieth century should 九 's, under the then Minister as seen on tv venezuela of Education 林清江 pushing, the particular, in 1998, for "lifelong learning year," and released "towards learning society, "the White Paper, made eight national education development vision, fourteen ways to implement specific actions and programs fourteen, opened driven boom of lifelong learning, so that the promotion as seen on tv venezuela of lifelong learning has entered a new realm; continuation of this wave action, is on Second 二年 promulgated the "lifelong learning", making China the sixth spot in the national legislation for lifelong learning. as seen on tv venezuela
"create lifelong education system" is one of the major orientation of China's education reform, and its target is to establish a learning community development. as seen on tv venezuela The vision is to build a learning community ideal of social development, but also the development of education in our society fate (Chen Yixing, 2000). However, since after the conclusion of "lifelong as seen on tv venezuela learning", although there are obviously people for lifelong learning experience and participation, but the results are still limited. Scholars as seen on tv venezuela Kwok-Tak Yeung (1999) has proposed practical way to develop lifelong learning, refer to as the government implemented:
Learning society and lifelong learning as a close relationship to. Learning is a lifelong learning society development objectives; lifelong learning is the learning and development strategy society. Learning community emphasizes the concept of lifelong learning and adult learning as seen on tv venezuela issues concern fairness and social justice. Of lifelong learning policy formulation and actively promote specific as seen on tv venezuela but since since 九九 era. Implementation of "Adult as seen on tv venezuela Education Development as seen on tv venezuela and Improvement Program Outline five years" since 1991. In 1995 the Ministry of Education issued the "ROC Education Report: as seen on tv venezuela 21st century education vision," will "Planning Lifelong Learning system and establish lifelong learning society" as an important direction for future development of education in China. 1996 Executive Yuan Education Reform Commission also proposed "total education reform consultative report," The report made a total of five comprehensive proposal, as seen on tv venezuela including "live to old to learn: the establishment of lifelong as seen on tv venezuela learning as seen on tv venezuela society" to item . Republic of China 1998 years of lifelong learning, to promote lifelong learning movement, released by the Ministry of Education on "Towards the learning society," the White Paper on the year. In 1998's "Challenge VIII: National Development Plan" in the "E-generation talent cultivation plan" is to "establish a social environment for lifelong learning E generation" seen as an important country policy. And 六月 二 二年 announced as seen on tv venezuela the implementation of lifelong learning, lifelong learning more China's development, providing a better legal basis. In response to the advent of an aging society, the Education Ministry announced on Second 六年 more on "Towards an aging society: the elderly education policy" white paper, and then to lifelong learning, health and happiness, autonomy as seen on tv venezuela and dignity, and social participation of the four education policy for the elderly vision, learning and development for our society, also fueled effect.
In order to improve the effectiveness of lifelong learning, as seen on tv venezuela the European Union plans to make lifelong learning, the project is two years 七 至二 , 2013 primarily related to education and training programs to extend and integrate, to encourage EU educational exchange and cooperation and promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation, improve the quality of education and training. Its overall goal is to promote lifelong learning by the European Union to develop into a knowledge society, with sustainable economic development. as seen on tv venezuela The plan of action for the implementation of lifelong as seen on tv venezuela learning, with the following revelation, worthy of reference as seen on tv venezuela to learn :( Tu Ya Ling, Liu Yue Mei, 2007)
Elderly Education, commonly known as the elderly education. Educational administration as seen on tv venezuela began to plan for the elderly as seen on tv venezuela with financial support and promote education and learning activities, the Department of the Ministry of Education in 1989 from a five-year "old as seen on tv venezuela education implementation plan" to start. 1993 issued by the Ministry of Education "award to help handle the retired elderly women's education and family education implementation of key points."二 year of education department set "the Ministry of Education grants to handle women's education and family education as seen on tv venezuela for the elderly and education activities to implement the main points." In recent years, the elderly and elderly welfare and education is the most relevant legal basis, is two 二年 "lifelong learning" and the Enforcement Rules of the development, as well as 一月 二 七年 fifth revised "elderly Welfare Act "and its bylaws. Ministry of Education to take account of the interests of the elderly learn, as seen on tv venezuela on Second 六年 released "towards the elderly aged society education policy" white paper. Another Ministry of Education promulgated on Second 七年 "Lifelong Learning Center Community subsidy is set to implement Plan", the second 八年 "The Ministry of Education grants the township urban settings Senior Learning Resource Center to implement key points" as seen on tv venezuela and Second 八In "old as seen on tv venezuela short-term boarding learning plan" and other plans to take "preventive", "on the ground of" policy and "difference" in planning the implementation of policies.
In the 1998 White Paper on lifelong learning year, the Ministry of Education already revealed "Towards the learning society" as the promotion of lifelong learning as seen on tv venezuela vision. Education Reform Committee in the Executive Yuan's summary report also reveals "a learning society," education reform vision. Obviously learning community was the central focus of educational as seen on tv venezuela development executive. "Learning society" is "lifelong learning society", that the whole society is a learning field, everyone can learn, always learning, always learning, learning everything. "Learning Community" that is "lifelong learning community", but also a "community of lifelong learning system", the development of community lifelong learning system, and therefore is an important as seen on tv venezuela foundation of society towards learning. Therefore, the Ministry of Education with effect from 四年 provision of the ad hoc budget to promote "the establishment of Community Education Learning System Plan", accepting the county (city) to apply for grants to continue the development of community life-long learning system.
public service segment different communities adapt to individual learning needs.
community college in addition to flaunt civilians, popularity and in the Outsider, including far-reaching ideas, such as direct break diploma doctrine, completely open school enrollment without a diploma or exams, teachers do not need a doctorate or master's degree, and through the academic , living arts and community activities such as curriculum planning (Xiao Jia pure, 2004). Therefore, the community has a community college education, vocational training education, general education, remedial education, and to integrate the properties and functions of the community resources. However, since the implementation of the community college, seemingly booming, as seen on tv venezuela but still following the crisis :( Mengxiang Ren, Guo Jun Wang, 2007)
In fact, the two concepts of community as seen on tv venezuela college, that "knowledge liberation" and "construction of civil society," after years of driving slightly below the results. However, as the above said potential crisis, scholar Huang Fushun (2002) has proposed a large development on social issues, including the location, name, educational goals, handling methods, curriculum planning, curriculum creation, teacher, teacher in-service training, funding, etc. nine questions, looking forward to eleven solved. After all, the community college for the establishment of civil society has its effect, through community college hoping to clarify the issues, as seen on tv venezuela I believe that more help build civil society.
Implementation of adult basic education, mainly as seen on tv venezuela based on the Constitution Hundred and sixty articles as seen on tv venezuela 1, 2 National as seen on tv venezuela Education Act and Article III Supplementary and Continuing Education Law and other regulations, the government should provide more than basic literacy as seen on tv venezuela of school-age nationals, in terms of content to foster listening, speaking, reading, writing, arithmetic and other basic competency-based, the system is in junior high school College of Technology convergence complement the way the school handled. Therefore, the Ministry of Education in 1991 to promote the "Xinmin project strengthen adult basic education program for five years," as seen on tv venezuela set in 1992 "awards and grants