The life of the Church as seen on tv store canada in the world 21 * 2014
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Statistics show extensive religious affiliation in the EU.
Bonn, 05.22.2014 ( 017,041 - Is Europe still a Christian as seen on tv store canada continent, or secularism and / or / Islam Christian West dive? Statistics says the former. Slightly more than half of the EU population belongs as seen on tv store canada to the Catholic Church. A Protestant as seen on tv store canada churches are there in various forms are present as well as the Orthodox Church. And in the EU live their faith and Muslims and Jews, as well as numerous other religious communities.
The Catholic Church is the number of 273 million Catholics (as of r. 2011), or 54 percent of the EU population, as seen on tv store canada the largest church in the European Union. Almost all Lutheran, Reformed and Methodist churches were combined into the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe. The so-called Leuenbergerská konkordia and sounded her first name, representing nearly 50 million members. Add to this the Anglican state "Church of England" with 26 million baptized.
The third largest Christian confession after the Catholic and Evangelical the Orthodox confession. as seen on tv store canada The EU is also eight Autocephalous Orthodox Churches: Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Estonia and the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus, the majority church. The EU has been living as seen on tv store canada and members of other Orthodox churches and Christians starovýchodných. Their exact numbers we have.
In the EU, estimated at least 13 million Muslims. The Central Council of Muslims in Germany even speaks of 22 million. Most Muslims live in France - their number is estimated at 6,000,000. In Germany they have to live 4-6000000. Islamic Archive in Soest foresees 4.4 million. According to official data, in the UK 2.7 million Muslims, precisely 5 percent of the population. Even in the Netherlands is larger as seen on tv store canada Muslim community - according to data from r. 2008 had 825,000 members. Today, their number is certainly markedly higher. as seen on tv store canada
Jews are a small religious minority in the EU. Even here we do not have exact figures. The largest community in the Diaspora living in France - half a million - most of Paris and its surroundings. In the UK, 300,000 Jews lived. In Germany, the number according to the Council of Jewish Communities 101,300th By some estimates there but live the same number of those who are not members of the Council.
In the EU, a growing number of people without a religion - namely the numbers of the phenomenon in the EU are not yet. Enter the 15 to 17 percent, but more accurate data can not be obtained. In principle, membership of a religion is not indicative of whether and how intensively practiced.
Most of numbers based on estimates, with the exception of the Catholic Church. The EU has its own statistics, as seen on tv store canada applied on a number as seen on tv store canada of topics - with one exception - the case of religious affiliation. Religious communities themselves often do not know how many members they represent, especially if they are not centrally organized. -zg-
Kiev, 22.05.2014 (KAP) 017040 - Moscow Patriarchate must presumably have to worry about its impact on Ukraine. Of the 70 percent of all citizens of the country, who in April by the current study Kiev center Rasumkova reported to Orthodox Christianity, feels less than 25 percent of the faithful as seen on tv store canada of the Ukrainian Church accessories Moscow as seen on tv store canada Patriarchate. V r. In 2013 it was still 27.7 percent. At the same time, the share of people who subscribe to non-canonical Kiev Patriarchate, from 26 to 32 percent. Unchanged share of 40 percent Orthodox Christians said they were "simply Orthodox" while others did not provide any details or to appoint some smaller church.
Besides the surveys of precise numbers of believers by the government or churches, as the only officially registered number of parishes. According to the study, 7.8 percent of the 46 million Ukrainians were reported as seen on tv store canada to the Greek Catholic Church, and after 1 percent to the Roman Catholic as seen on tv store canada Church and Protestantism.
Clearly, however, according to the studies show large regional differences. In a former belonging to Poland and the First World War to the turn of Austria Hungary that corresponds to the west of the country's Byzantine Catholic Church, with 36.2 percent of believers largest church. as seen on tv store canada Overall, the largest Orthodox Church here has a share of only 25.4 percent, as seen on tv store canada even though as seen on tv store canada all Orthodox believers are also here with a clear 54 percent majority. To Moscow Patriarchate was felt to be the last year of the 19.8 percent, now only 12 percent. Up to 13.4 percent of western Ukrainians are much more numerous than last year (7.1 percent) identified as "simply Orthodox".
On the east of the country is Moscow Orthodox Church as seen on tv store canada faithful to 24.2 percent majority of believers, followed by the Kiev Patriarchate with 17.0 percent. For both the church is a plus on several percent. Up to 28 percent of people also referred to herein as "simply Orthodox".
In the center of the country around Kiev with 1.5 percent of the vote, many people especially the Roman Catholic Church. This region is also the bastion of Orthodox Christianity. For it is here reported as 79.5 percent of believers. Most believers - 28.8 percent