Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In a fairly aggressive tribute the American magazine Vanity Fair this month, with the characteristi

In a fairly aggressive tribute the American magazine Vanity Fair this month, with the characteristic title "The fall of Microsoft", published for the first time that Microsoft in 1998 was ready to produce an electronic reading, but did not go after the rejection the idea personally by Bill Gates, meaning of nigh CEO even then the company. So far Microsoft has no e-reader, while generally not present in e-books.
According to one version published by Vanity Fair and comes from a member of the team that was developing the device, an electronic reader, integrated model could soon enter production, discarded because the menu and the appearance of the software (the User Interface) did not look like the Windows operating system of the company, but also Microsoft's obsession for immediate and large profits. Thus, the development team had to turn to the development of the suite Office of the company.
Another former employee in the company that the problem was not the greed for immediate profits, meaning of nigh but that the touch screen, as the Office meaning of nigh was designed to work with a keyboard, not with a stylus or your finger. They were a matter of general prejudices of the company, who insisted on traditional products, Windows meaning of nigh and Office, and thanks for their sacrifice what innovative thought he was not compatible with them.
Despite the emphatic tone of the article (and those reshared his arguments) that Microsoft meaning of nigh and Bill Gates personally rejected the kainomies in software and equipment so the once-powerful company has left behind in the era of post-PC devices like iPhone and the iPad, the Gates may not have been wrong in rejecting, in 1998, the Microsoft e-reader.
To evaluate the decision we have to go back to 1998. Then dominated the PC running Windows (and just two years before Steve Jobs had returned to Apple). But there were the first evidence of what we see today with the "smart" phones. Were Palmtops (or PDA, ie "Personal Digital Assistant"), pocket meaning of nigh PCs with displays meaning of nigh that accept commands with stylus. There were phones and had very few opportunities in relation to current smartphones. But this was the first wave of post-PC devices.
And in Palmtops as Microsoft, with its functional Windows meaning of nigh CE, was clearly present (although the Palm company did a better meaning of nigh job). This device class never certainly meaning of nigh not gained mass audience. Microsoft took care, however, since 2000, two years after the disposal of e-reader, have the Microsoft Reader program for reading ebooks devices.
On the other hand, the 1998 can not build a device that is actually electronic reader. Indeed, circulating the Rocket ebook and SoftBook the first Cybook. But they had electronic paper display, really relaxing for reading, just had the screen of a Palmtop, just bigger. And it was successful.
The electronic paper had been discovered very recently, the company that manufactured it (and manufactures today), the E Ink, founded in 1997. Only in 2004 the electronic paper used in device from Sony, mostly failed due to incorrect business strategy.
All this means that in 1998 Bill Gates was right to reject the creation of e-reader meaning of nigh from Microsoft. The technology was simply not ready. And right as Microsoft bet you about ebooks in palmtop.
The mistake was more that broke the group concerned itself with this and that although it was early in the Microsoft Reader program has never been able to do really successful. The result was that when really it's time for the company e-reader had no real contact with ebooks and readers.
More generally, the problem with Microsoft was not broke new. As with the tablet PC, most innovations in computers went through the mind and hands of the company. He did not know but to distinguish what innovation could be applied when, to insist meaning of nigh on this, focus on those who had to complete them effectively. As a result, often by Microsoft to be first or among the first in many new product categories, just not managed to do this the first right. And this is the story not only of e-readers and ebooks, but eventually the iPad and tablet PC.
Convert ebooks meaning of nigh to ePUB to mobi for Kindle with Calibre - step by step guide
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