Friday, May 30, 2014

But to be honest, still feel embarrassed and worry. Good for the role of Thatcher in an Albanian fi

Grida S (HK) uma! | Newspaper francois halard theme
I bow with veneration Iron Lady. Not only made history, but knew how to give anglosaksonizmit rightful place in modern history. There are already dead, but if you go somewhere even more lost qoshkën UK, he will feel its hajrin radical reforms in quality of services or quality of life. Cold War he raised the temperature above zero, it melted the ice and with Reagan ndolli East to West freedoms. European Social laziness pointed deserved grade, having remained in the classroom, forced to prepare better in exams autumn.
Never came to Albania, but our Berisha or Rugova (them) Kosovo increased their bonuses and credits in international diplomacy Albanianism modestly unfolding as potent phenomenon not only in geopolitics Peninsula.
Materially not have been worse with women models full of muscles, tattoos with names of men or armpits with fur. Chris Paul Vata which distracted by the noise of the train and foot slips, Lenka Çuko who cried farm cows in Lushnje though inadvertently spilled milk from buckets, Feti Kasa why doping had taken 1 hour before you eat sufllaqen, though terrified Topalli husband at home that confused with opposition MPs ...
This place, called feminine, with three seasons are feminine, with the largest number of women than men population, nature is so beautiful as feminine beauty itself, with women who were raped, humiliated after prostitucionalisht eventually lured to take their tutors francois halard for women, where everything revolves around women and men just make noise ranks, where men grow old and kokallat after the command can not pray to God to die before women ...
Only in politics has somehow option. Lul between Basha, Aldo Arben Gridës Ristani or need someone to have theçerojë totaling more powerful of the opposition today or tomorrow governance. I m'Tiron I returned again and will definitely start talking with dialect from here.
But to be honest, still feel embarrassed and worry. Good for the role of Thatcher in an Albanian film actress Rajmonda Bulku I found, but no real character persuade francois halard me. Euridicionit want to add your uniqueness, tolerance, foresight francois halard and respect.
You Bledi Griden shan, but you're worse than my boy. The lack of communication culture, art degenerate publicist. Ngatrron francois halard media with taverns where naked chats with your friends. You begins with Thatcher nice but then we have lost vularitet joking with women, Yes you are for yourself as a rooster without tail O Bledo, I will do better with salt writings render unto you. This one is corny at all
O bled if we have a question reads - as Rama pays for the use of the image? Money, goods or kind??
This is a writing that has all the inside story from the short, the allegory, sarcasm, politics whatever you like them. It is a writing that resembles a rose, which rose this depends on how one would enjoy. There are people who get caught where no thorns and the sweet smell of the wind and enjoy having, others francois halard had when they pick you poked fingers and immediately reject.
Art very tired doing text analysis. Too literary what it is. This is disgusting, disgusting, unethical. With marvel theme, so whether the traffic light has vulgar tastes? Who cares about your image Too Complete / incompetent. Go to traffic light and take a literature makes it as many times better than this, and it improves the particular audience that likes this kind of "literary"
Arusha - April 17, 2014 at 7:15 pm
JNB If this article is Trendalif ather Bled to be sure that you have nose or Taken (ie in this case, regard the brain), or you lose the sense of smell, or the smell of pink .... ngatrron with that of faeces . It was with shqetsoj me is how a modern boy laughs as paturpsisht with women, Chris Paul starts with a 16-year-old wadding that died in shares Bledi Rinise.Tallet with women who tried to use his body as a female ee during their stay in England, has itself accepted and made the best of his shroud has completed everything. The problem is that he's using newspapers Subject to vent his thoughts francois halard somewhat Halabak somewhat vulgar, but I must admit that he has often beautiful writings and has shown that there is talent. But talent is as Hana Bled, with the difference that when he writes nose full of drool. Lexonja writing and again and tell me what has wanted to thane.E begins with Thatcher and then assigns to the role of Thatcher Monda Bulkut that it plays as if it is and how Kadare Bledi screenwriter for Monden. Un Griden not know at all, but this is something to this woman he chooses the moment francois halard and let the proper time to put in play this politician DP, but without insulting or

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