In the pyramidal tract disorder clinics provide a paralysis of UMN type: parese / paralysis
o Motion basic muscle / muscle motion tonic
o Disturbance on LMN LMN gives paralysis:
Feeling that is felt by both the body part of the skin, connective tissue, bone and muscle known as somestesia. Comprising:
a. The composition eksteroseptif raine horne Channeled through spinothalamic tract leads to pain, temperature and light touch receptors: Pain à Ruffini hot cold sense of touch à à Krause Golgi mansoni impulses received by receptors posterior root à à à kornuposterior nucleus proprius pass midline raine horne à à spinothalamic tract to rostral pons and the medulla oblongata through mesensefalon ventroposterior lateral nucleus à talami posterior central gyrus ending on and association cortex. raine horne
o spinoserebellaris dorsal tract and Ventralis deliver impulses: raine horne a sense of press (Vater pacini / Ogan Golgi / muscle spindles) vibration sense motion sense of taste sense of discriminatory attitudes
o Tetraparese:
Autonomic bladder / spastic bladder supranuclear lesion of the spinal cord to the sacral segments.
Alternans Position extremity: decortication position, the position of Test decerebrate brain stem functions: breathing, ref. Involuntari brainstem movement: pd arrangement extrapyramidal disorders. Disorders. raine horne Coordination: pd serebellum disorders.
o pd optic tract lesion: homonymous hemianopsia
Examination N.II: Govt. Vision: finger count = 1/60 wave of the hand = 1/300 one can see the light = 1 / ~ no one can see the light = 0 Examination laps. vision: Perimeter Kampimeter Confrontation test
Pem. N.III, IV, VI: Movement of the eyeball: strab. Concomitans, strab.paralitikus (divergens, convergence) symmetric normal eye Gap: à myasthenic ptosis and Horner's' Govt. Pupil:
Motor nucleus of the mid-pons NV à à à portio minor foramen ovale à NV Cab.3 muscles of mastication, the muscles of the mouth somato sensible consist of:
1. GGN. Motor: P arese facial peripheral and central facial Parese
Acoustic impulse à receptor (Organon korti) emf spirale à à à PAI lateral lemniscus nucleus cochlearis à à auditory cortex (area 41) gyri temporali pd superior post. Acoustic nerve (VIII): the vestibular nerve
Disorders. The composition of the vestibular: Nystagmus: grk. eyeball that unbridled Physiological Pathological: ocular, vestibular, cerebellar and penduler Horizontal Vertical Vertigo: peripheral: labyrinth disorders, acoustic neurinoma, venomen reflexes, central Vertigo Meniere's syndrome: disorders raine horne of the brain stem pd
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) somato raine horne motor: nuc.ambiguus à farings bag.atas muscles. Visero motor (parasympathetic): inf salifatorius nucleus. jugular foramen à à à emf ootikum parotid raine horne gland. Visero sensory (taste buds) / somato sensory: 1/3 of the tongue mucosa farings rear bgn, tonsils, carotid sinus tympanic cavity.
Abnormalities in N.IX: Motor: uvula deviation, disfagi, r egurgitasi, sound bindings / nasal sensory and somatosensory Visero: gag reflex raine horne disappears, carotid sinus disorders pd: bradycardia (-) Encountered: Vernet's phenomen, Vernet's syndrome (IX, X, XI)
Vagus (X) somato motor: nuk.ambiguus à pal.molle, larings, farings Visero motor: nuk.dorsalis Vagi: glands, smooth muscle, organs. Visero sensory: raine horne afferent fibers (pharynx, larynx, trachea, visc) à à emf nodosum trak sol somato sensory nucleus: afferents (skin, mae, posterior fossa dura) à à emf jugular nucleus trak.spinalis nn.trig
The symptoms: motor disorders: Afonia, dysphagia, vomiting reflex disappears Sensory: Anesthesia, raine horne cough / pain when there is irritation of the lesions disrupted okulokardiac Parasympathetic reflex raine horne irritation lesions: ~ hypersecretion, ~ bradycardia, gastric dilatation ~
HIPOGLOSUS nerve (XII) Motor: Nuclei hipoglosus (med.oblongata) à à efferent canal hipoglosus symptoms: Dysarthri, deviation of the tongue, Difficulty swallowing supranuclear lesions: atrophy of the tongue does not exist, no lesions Fasciculasi infranuklear: tongue muscle atrophy, positive Fasciculasi
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