Every muscle fibers that regulate the movement realized through the combination of two nerve cells, one of which contained the motor cortex, fibers - fibers are right on tract pyramidal tract that crosses girl talk tour dates the pyramids, and other fibers located at the anterior end of the spinal cord, fiber - fiber running to the muscles.
Motor pathways of the spinal cord to the muscles and also from the cerebrum to the brainstem formed by UMN. UMN started in the cortex on the opposite side of the brain, down through the internal capsule, crossed to the opposite side in the brain stem, descending girl talk tour dates through the corticospinal tracts and the tip end to LMN synapse. LMN receives nerve impulses at the posterior end and walk towards mioneural connection. In contrast to the UMN, LMN end up in the muscles.
The series runs from the brain nerve cells through the brain stem out to the muscle is called the motor pathway. Normal muscle function requires a complete relationship girl talk tour dates along all of the motor pathway. girl talk tour dates The presence of damage in the end reduce the ability of the brain to control movement - the movement of muscles.
This decreases the efficiency due to weakness, also called paresis. Complete loss of relationships preclude the desire to move more. This lack of control is called paralysis. The boundary between weakness and paralysis is not absolute. Circumstances that cause weakness may progress to paralysis. On the other hand, the power might fix the paralysis of the limbs. Regenerating nerves to grow back through the path where the power can be returned to the paralyzed muscles. Paralysis caused more changes in muscle tone. Paralyzed muscle may mebuat ototo weak, flabby and without adequate health, or possibly seizures, tighten, and without the normal properties when the muscle is moved.
Type of paralysis: monoplegia is only about one limb diplegia is the same body part on both sides of the body, for example: both arms or both sides of the face on one side hemiplegia which agency or quadriplegia which is about half the weight of all four limbs and torso
Nerve damage can cause paralysis may be in the brain or brain stem (central nervous system) or may be beyond the brain stem (peripheral nervous system). More often causes damage to the brain is a stroke, tumor, TRUMA (due to falls or blows), multiple sclerosis (a disease that damages the protective wrap covering nerve cells), cerebral palsy (a condition caused by injury to the brain that occurs shortly after birth), disturbance metabolic (disturbances in the inhibition of the body's ability to maintain it).
Damage to the brain stem is more often caused by trauma, girl talk tour dates such as a fall or car accident. Other conditions that can cause nerve damage in or immediately adjacent to the spine include: tumors, joint herniation (also called rupture joints), spondylosis, rheumatoid artrirtis the spine or multiple sclerosis.
Distribution paralysis gives a necessary girl talk tour dates condition for parts damaged nerves. Hemiplegia due to brain damage with paralysis on the opposite girl talk tour dates side, usually from a stroke. Paraplegia occurs after injury to the lower part of the brain stem, and quadriplegia occurs after damage to the top of the brain stem at the level of the shoulders or higher (the nerves that control the arms parallel to the spine). girl talk tour dates Diplegia usually indicates brain damage, cerebral palsy often have. Monoplegia may be due to the separation between the damage to the central nervous system or peripheral nerves. Weakness or paralysis can only occur in the arms and legs may indicate disease diemelinisasi.
Symptoms fluctuate in differentiating parts of the body may be due to multiple sclerosis. Incidence of paralysis is more often caused by injury girl talk tour dates or stroke. Spreading paralysis indicate degenerative disease, diseases such as GBS or CIDP infeski, metabolic disorders. Other symptoms often accompany girl talk tour dates paralysis include numbness and feelings
tingling, pain, changes in vision, difficulty speaking, or problems with balance. Injury to the brain stem often causes decreased bladder function, bowel and sex organs. Above the brain stem injury may cause difficulty in breathing.
2. Capsula girl talk tour dates Interna: there are nerves VII and XII who are contralateral. if there is any abnormality that causes lesions in the muscles that lead to talk pelo talk.
3. Spinal cord: high cervical lesion occurs when paralysis of hands and feet, when the lesion as high thorakal limb paralysis, girl talk tour dates when the height of the lumbosacral girl talk tour dates lesions occurred only limb paralysis. Differences thorakal and lumbosacral lesions in which the motor lesion. if the thorakal in the upper
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